#Minecraft Flashing Redstone Lamp [TUTORIAL]

#Minecraft Flashing Redstone Lamp [TUTORIAL]Click to sub:bit.ly ———-[You may also Like]——- How to Green screen in Minecraft www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Connect to MINECRAFTdotNET]———- 2ND CHANNEL:- www.youtube.com TWITTER :- twitter.com FACEBOOK :- www.facebook.com ———— Directors channel: www.youtube.com

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Jun 27th, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft Flashing Redstone Lamp [TUTORIAL]”

  1. QuickxStars Says:

    ever heard of a clock (noob that doesn’t know about hardcore red stone)

  2. 1097jad Says:

    That is basic redstone xD

  3. TheEsparoba3 Says:

    actualy, i would never have thought of this, just because it is so simple, but sometimes simple things are also good or even better

  4. Trainguyrom Says:

    Lag-tastic, but simple.

  5. PlirrEEE Says:

    do a Redstone clock..

  6. puuLzee Says:

    ‘Pretty shabby’ means shit… he called his tutorial shit…

  7. allgeeksunited Says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t take you seriously with a username like that.

  8. biiipify Says:

    RailINGs?????? It is Rails, isn’t it?

  9. New023 Says:

    ROFL, he called his “Flashing lights” shabby, which means sucky, shit, bad etc. ROFL

  10. N1GHTSL4SH3R Says:

    lol who cares every one does it! wow i sound like a badd kid! :D

  11. davidjac919 Says:

    really? It’s not a huge tutorial or anything. Why did you make a video of something SO simple?

  12. Marwzoor Says:

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  13. KILLerONcrax Says:

    good idea for servers that dont allow clocks

  14. New023 Says:

    why don’t you just use a redstone clock for the lights? its a lot more resource effecient.

  15. xXsk8ivanXx Says:

    not the cheapest way to do it but nice

  16. lukelethalll Says:

    Wtf, there is a much more easier way

  17. 8IIllD Says:

    you think we stupid?

  18. Rags2Khalifa Says:

    it was for a skit, im making (;

  19. EnderFuse Says:

    wow i didn’t know you could do that with button rails …and i thought i was good with redstone lol

  20. puuLzee Says:

    This guy sounds gay..

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