Minecraft: DUBSTEP DESTRUCTION! – Attack of the B-Team Modded Survival w/ Tyga Ep.31

Minecraft: DUBSTEP DESTRUCTION! - Attack of the B-Team Modded Survival w/ Tyga Ep.31Last Ep: http://youtu.be/fYtb0mOT6yw In this episode of Minecraft Attack of the B-Team, Janson and Tyga TRAVEL TO THE PROMISED LANDS DIMENSION! From new mobs to new ores, it’s a whole new land…

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Filed under MinecraftUniverse : Comments (20) : May 12th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft: DUBSTEP DESTRUCTION! – Attack of the B-Team Modded Survival w/ Tyga Ep.31”

  1. Marsh Marwood Says:

    #Tyga if u won lotto what would the first thing you would do and why

  2. TheSillygirl3000 Says:

    Catch fraise: Gimme a chocolate bar and I might not kill ya. :D 

  3. Marc Acevedo Says:

    #tyga if you could create a demetion, what whould it have? Oh and jason say
    it in a evil voice

  4. LOLGirl Says:

    my catch phrase (but not any more) is: Shut Up! (not joking I some times
    say that to people at my class, but then the teacher said we’re not allowed
    to say that word anymore!) Some people make fun of me when ever I say that
    word! :)

  5. Asfand2001 Says:

    yellow canister works after you have 10 regular heart canister

  6. esa suke Says:

    what’s a catch phrase?

  7. Exluto Says:

    <<<——- Don;t Click Here

  8. William Joseph Says:

    my catch. fraise its time to die and karma got your back mother truka 

  9. Piggyplayer Says:

    My catch phrase would be zooi mama

  10. Kerar Saheb Says:

    Hey toga who do u like more then Hanson

  11. joshua millwood Says:

    Catch phrase it’s not illegal if you don’t get caught

  12. ng waikeet Says:

    Jason you need to complete the red heart canisters before you can see the
    yellow ones

  13. CommanderJuicy Says:

    Also you know you can put silk touch on a tinkers construct tool with some
    craft able item

  14. Quiirex's Rulz Says:

    #tyga could u do a new dimension how u call it?

  15. Zoey Catlin Says:

    My catch fraze would be ‘eat blood baby’

  16. envthewicked Says:

    My catch phrase: This isn’t going to end well.

  17. Sarah Norman Says:

    #tyga I you were a girl, what would your name be?

  18. DarkSoul MCB Says:

    #tyga if you will be a superhero wut superhero you will be?

  19. Minecraftlord 360 Says:

    I’m batman

  20. Desiree Hayes Says:

    #Tyga , there are two purple monkeys and three blue cats at a party. Seven
    striped cows join in. How many apples are on the tree?

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