Minecraft: Diamond Machine

Minecraft: Diamond MachineIn this video I show off my latest invention. It takes coal blocks and through a complicated and advanced use of minecraft physics, turns them into diamond blocks! Texture pack: tinyurl.com Save file: tinyurl.com Do not read before watching: This machine doesn’t actually convert coal ore into diamond ore blocks but it was designed to make it look like it. The main purpose of this invention is just an interesting invention you can add to your world or show off to your friends, enjoy!

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Filed under Tyken132 : Comments (20) : Mar 3rd, 2012

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Diamond Machine”

  1. RazielDFaust Says:

    Since I’ve been watching the series I got quite a few ideas how i want my stuff to look like, and this “machine” is something i would not build, simply because it has only decorative purposes. Newer the less it will look good in you’re base Tyken so just keep up the good work.

  2. TheGriefersGrief Says:

    Tyken, I love your video (as always) However your gunna get a hell lot of dislikes :(

  3. sirguymaner Says:

    Tyklen, you troll you! Nice invention though.

  4. IAmAwnsome Says:

    will you be making a textures for some mods

  5. imMundy Says:

    @ErikKonradSigalov to put in his secret lab.

  6. TheZrial Says:

    If you make it more delay, for the ´proces´ it looks more realistic :)

  7. minecraftermad Says:

    @adamtheenglishteen yea you can say fake (kinda)

  8. pontusl10 Says:

    @Killerakias123 ee look in the info -.-

  9. Gereman01 Says:

    oh, so its fake?


  10. TheRealChemich Says:

    Fake inventions don’t get you likes bro, sorry.

  11. Imapenguin189 Says:

    @Tyken132 I agree this is priceless xD all these people who have probably never watched any of your videos now getting really pissed off. Amazing xD

  12. MaximumVenum Says:

    The funny thing is that in real life you get diamonds by underground coal and several centuries of waiting lol

  13. TheGriefersGrief Says:

    @BannanaZ97 Yeah he earns his $ off youtube :)

  14. MeLordBenji33 Says:

    @minecraftawesomeface yes you can xd ‘Silk touch…’

  15. kSuPzBF Says:

    @minecraftawesomeface You can do it legit with silk touch pickaxe.

  16. adamtheenglishteen Says:

    Wait… How are people not getting it? You show how the invention works and people are suprised that it doesn’t work :P This isn’t even that big of a troll XD

  17. kubakac1 Says:

    So many idiots in the comments. I guess that many people here are about 10 years old

  18. laggyman55 Says:

    @ErikKonradSigalov it is just for look not use

  19. ErikKonradSigalov Says:

    so it pushes so many coal blocks in and then pushes a diamond block out…
    so you’re not actually making diamonds from coal you’re moving ore-existing diamond ore blocks around…
    now riddle me this: whats the actual point?

  20. minecraftawesomeface Says:

    You cant do this legit though…

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