#Minecraft Death Elevator

#Minecraft Death Elevatorâ-ºSubscribe: bit.ly â-ºTwitter:….. bit.ly â-ºFacebook: on.fb.me ———-[You may also Like]——- Minecraft 1.4 Update www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Minecraft Mod Reviews]——- www.youtube.com ———- Directors channel: www.youtube.com Minecraftdotnet Minecraft themodspotlight Tutorial how-to Let’s Play lp build showcase mod texture pack addon 1.4 update snapshot notch jeb How to install

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Aug 16th, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft Death Elevator”

  1. TheDelusionalGiraffe Says:

    you dont spawn in the 1 high area -_- u spawn on the floor above it.

  2. TheLajuan123 Says:

    Meatwagon has a total working elevator

  3. codeRDN Says:


  4. neyegel Says:

    I was goin to say the samy thing that it was probably

  5. carnivoremaniac101 Says:


  6. codeRDN Says:

    This is how deja vu was made when captainsparklez plated it

  7. JavierTJL99 Says:

    How do u teleport up the next level?

  8. neyegel Says:

    Used in deja vu

  9. JavierTJL99 Says:

    How do you set your spawn point there?

  10. noahfranck1234567890 Says:

    This reminds me of the déjà vu map done by captainsparkles

  11. MegaNathan3 Says:

    No but each room has to be 2 high or they will clash and you will be stuck… :/

  12. thedeerdroppa Says:

    Ahhhh, this is what was used in Deja Vu

  13. MCFTA1368 Says:

    That’s how the map Deja Vu works

  14. MCFTA1368 Says:

    Your current spawn point is blocked by blocks, such that you will suffocate if you spawn there, and to prevent that, Minecraft spawns you on the nearest possible location with 2 blocks space while keeping your X and Z axis constant, i.e. you spawn on top of the block you are getting blocked by. This only applies to version 1.2.5 and below, so this contraption is pretty much broken when 1.3.1 comes out. (unless you make a room full of pistons)

  15. potaters1337 Says:

    what is a deja vu

  16. carnivoremaniac101 Says:

    you saw it

  17. MCFTA1368 Says:

    Doesn’t work in multiplayer and 1.3.1+ singleplayer (since they implemented LAN, you now spawn within a radius of the original spawn point, works same in multiplayer)

  18. potaters1337 Says:

    but you know what it is but dont know the name and stuff

  19. Saberdile Says:

    Thank you sir, I had actually wondered if this was what it was using when I started the video.

  20. carnivoremaniac101 Says:

    deja vu is when you see something, and you know that but you cant remember when

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