Minecraft – Crash Landing #22: Jarvis My Butler

Minecraft - Crash Landing #22: Jarvis My ButlerMinecraft hardcore survival. We have crash landed in a hot, dusty, and empty minecraft world… and we must survive and thrive against the elements. This modpack is available from the FTB…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 7th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft – Crash Landing #22: Jarvis My Butler”

  1. Whitestar_274 Says:

    +EthosLab 20:00 The recipe was using a partially filled camel pack and
    yours was empty. Thumbs up so he can see!

  2. Brad Does Minecraft - Daily Minecraft Videos Says:

    I’m really enjoying this series lately, and fly boys too. It’s a shame to
    see both of them not performing as well as some other series on your
    channel, but I hope that you still stick with them! Appreciate the good
    work as always, Etho! Thanks for the content :-)

  3. Toby Morkie Says:

    Join my clan called Imortal Bamboo

  4. IamNoodlez Says:

    (Not Advertising) Hello, I am wondering if anyone will be kind enough and
    take the time to click on my channel, make Minecraft tutorials. I spend
    alot of time making the videos and editing and the thumbnail so if you
    could look and leave a comment I’d be grateful. But please don’t if your
    just gonna hate. Thanks for reading! :-)

  5. Samuel Lakatoš Says:

    Etho, AE stands for Applied Energistics but It’s ME system. I don’t know
    what ME stands for but it’s ME :D

  6. rss1313 Says:

    What I can’t wait to see is when Etho sends his butler to get more water
    for his camel pack, he goes down to half a heart, then his butler drone
    comes back then finishes him off. That would be so funny

  7. Veeti Saarinen Says:

    The camel pack disappearance might be caused if you toss it on the ground
    when it has even a little bit water left. Because as you said, if you out
    too much water in it, it gets destroyed.

  8. Czar Draw Says:

    Can you post your LP or SMP every 2 days instead of filler series please.

  9. Gronk Says:

    Etho ever showed his face?

  10. Ash Ketchum Says:

    lol i thought it said jarvis my butter

  11. Birch Plays Says:

    Guys İ just figured out the best thing in the world! Remember in one of his
    250-300th lets play episodes he hasnt been recording for abaout a month, i
    think he got trapped inside minecraft… Remember when he made the walrus
    and said that it had a ton of pixels, its because he was trapped in
    minecraft and he couldn’t see graphics higher than 8×8 pixels per block.
    This is science… :-)

  12. orionnijman Says:

    I hope you never end this series…

  13. Stuart Duncan Says:

    Those cyclic assemblers would eat my camel packs once in a while as well. I
    have no idea why. I did it by hand and watched the thing just vanish.

  14. IHaTeD2 Says:

    By using the ? in the NEI interface when pressing R you can actually make
    the recipes for the autocrafter without needing the materials in the first
    place … ;D

    You might need a chunkloader to keep your base loaded in all areas. I know
    that especially chunk borders can cause some stupid glitches.

  15. CatfishCameras Says:

    ohhhh etho. Just have a total number of water bottles that is one less
    than the spaces in the inventory. ITS SO SIMPLE GHAA

  16. Kenny Do Says:


  17. MinecraftManiac365 Says:

    Where is battle bane?

  18. EthosLab Says:
  19. Kaptain Kappa Says:

    etho jarvis is officially the biggest waste of time, energy, resources, and
    health youve ever done in minecraft, congratulations

  20. exn0va Says:

    i would not put too much work into this because for example Genny did
    really put a lot of effort into his and he lost it and had no way to
    recover it….:/

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