Minecraft CrackPack #16: Laser Beam Captivity

Minecraft CrackPack #16: Laser Beam CaptivityModded Minecraft. In this Minecraft episode we have some more fun with the modular force fields and I introduce my plans for an arena project. Mod Pack: http://www.atlauncher.com/pack/TheCrackPack…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Jul 4th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft CrackPack #16: Laser Beam Captivity”

  1. crash979797 Says:

    We do so many of the MindCrackers, mainly the Canadian ones say things like
    “Works pretty good” when it should be “Works pretty well”?

  2. BigAl607 Says:

    You can place the Cryotheum. you have to turn it into Gelid Cryotheum in a
    Magma Crucible, then put it into a bucket using a Fluid Transposer.
    Unfortunately, it doesn’t show up behind the blue glass. :/ You could
    always use the clear glass that you smelt in the Tinker’s Construct

  3. Cody Alford Says:

    +EthosLab I think you should have (when it is finished) command blocks for
    when they come to battle they can push a button on command block can notify
    the other players on the server at the time that “Someone is getting ready
    to battle in the arena!!” and the players that aren’t fighting at the
    moment can go watch or join in somehow just an idea. :)

  4. Krešimir Cindrić Says:

    Want more PvP on the server? The obvious solution seems to be to go attack
    the other team in their base…

    Or, alteratively, just spend yet another week building yet another arena
    that will be used at most only once or twice… >_> 

  5. SpecialKillerJ Says:

    Youtube. We’ve all heard of it. That’s why we are here. Some do it for the
    money and some do it for the fun and laughs! But why do people take
    advantage over youtube? Well, because all you do is spend 2,000 once and
    make back that 2 grand and become rich. We know that some youtubers will do
    it if they have a big fan base. Here, 2mil-For Fun :: 10mil+Money :: 5
    Videos a day-For Money! Now, not saying Etho does it. Also we know we have
    to put ads to fund are software and gear. But 3 ads on every video? That’s
    just greedy. Before You Subscribe , Think About It. Spread this over
    Youtube to force these youtubers that do it for money stop doing it for
    money! #StopTheAdvantage

  6. Vin Shaw Says:


  7. EthosLab Says:
  8. ManIkWeet Says:

    Etho, the issue with not enough fortron going into the machine is because
    the liquiducts are limited. Tesseracts are unlimited so if you need it for
    aesthetics you can always put a tesseract on the bottom of the machine.
    Then have multiple liquiducts on the main connecting tesseract, and send it
    all through the dimensions :D

  9. VulcanoBlue :: Minecraft & League of Legends Says:

    Oh and by the way Etho, do you have any issues with video uploading? For
    some reason it takes 5 hours for me to upload 20 minute long videos :(
    I tested this on other websites and Youtube seems to be the only one who
    has this issue, do you think they cap the upload speed?

  10. Wawasjohn Says:

    Hey etho can we have some vanilla SMP? I really miss it, were getting too
    much ftb now, and love some more single player,

    Everyone who agrees please upvote, cheers

  11. High Metabolism Says:

    Is Etho really quitting youtube?

  12. Elnatan Says:

    Etho, where do you get all of your stuff from?
    the diamonds, redstone and all the other.
    i’m just curious.

  13. Shilag Says:

    You should try to wire something up to “kill any intruders” trapped in the
    force field corridors. If you catch someone you don’t just want to say “ha
    ha” and let them go, but have something like a toxic/incendiary grenade
    dispenser, or some other creative killing mechanims, to slowly exterminate
    any pests!

  14. Creeperkiller584 Says:

    You won UHC considering you didn’t upload a vid for ages also I think btc
    came close too

  15. Brain Cancer Says:

    It looked like he had a thumbnail because there wasn’t a gui.

  16. Space Pixel Says:

    how come ethos not in uhc?

  17. AHWairsoft Says:

    I honestly hate arenas, they are so boring

  18. James Darby Says:

    etho please make amethyst armour its pretty powerful

  19. FramedWarrior07 Says:

    I am subbed to sky so I dont like squid

  20. TheScienceGuy120 Says:

    use clear glass and put the liquid ender stuff behind it

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