#Minecraft Cool Potion Room with Redstone

#Minecraft Cool Potion Room with Redstoneâ-ºSubscribe: bit.ly â-ºTwitter:….. bit.ly â-ºFacebook: on.fb.me ———-[You may also Like]——- Minecraft 1.4 Update www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Minecraft Mod Reviews]——- www.youtube.com ———- Directors Channel: www.youtube.com Minecraftdotnet Minecraft themodspotlight Tutorial how-to Let’s Play lp build showcase mod texture pack addon 1.4 update snapshot notch jeb How to install

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Aug 20th, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft Cool Potion Room with Redstone”

  1. MONST3Rz720 Says:

    Guess what.. They make money off this, i do this in limited spare time with my £10 Mic. Be more considerate

  2. MONST3Rz720 Says:

    The download link is in the description on the same video but on my channel

  3. AkayamaUkime Says:

    (I’m not adding to the mic argument.) I just wanted to say that this was a pretty good video. My critique is to try not to shake your mouse when showing something. It can make the person slightly nauseous and blurs the video. Just make your character face the creation and talk about it.

  4. lilphyco Says:

    Get better speakers; I can hear him fine.

  5. mrtieuishere Says:

    one phfphointh three…MY EARS!!!

  6. Oreganoschnupfer Says:

    Can u pls give us a downloadlink of the map???

  7. Kyroix MC Says:

    I agree…

  8. MONST3Rz720 Says:

    Oh Sorry, go make a video with perfect audio quality and then say that.

  9. TheGamer186 Says:

    where is the download link send me iit

  10. DjPhatty100 Says:

    And I heard him fine

  11. MONST3Rz720 Says:

    Or turn the volume up maybe?

  12. oodeanHD Says:

    you really have to consider this is their job but only his hobby

  13. Devvy996 Says:

    Talk louder, take the mic out of your mouth, get a pop filter. .-.

  14. mbmovies1 Says:


  15. TheIrontic Says:


  16. Naci4444 Says:

    You know,other people can make it with perfect audio quality.Antvenom.BebopVox.CavemanFilms.CaptainSparklez.GameChap.BertieChap…

  17. Oreganoschnupfer Says:


  18. TheGammer3 Says:

    hey bro not everyone can get a mic that is as good as the people you listed. maybe you should think before you comment next time so that you dont say something stupid.

  19. increadiblehumcham Says:

    yes i want a downloadlink of the map good idea oreganosschnupfer

  20. MONST3Rz720 Says:

    The download link is in the description on the same video but on my channel

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