Minecraft: Colored Pressure Plates Tutorial

Minecraft: Colored Pressure Plates TutorialAn idea popped into my head, followed by the solution! This minecraft tutorial will show you how to build pressure plates using carpet blocks. Minecraft: Van…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : May 4th, 2013

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Colored Pressure Plates Tutorial”

  1. Cookie Dew Says:

    u cant catch me next time xisuma, im too fast and furious

  2. ProjectMovieCraft -Abonneer Says:

    Isn’t the testfor command easier?

  3. Exspee Says:

    Great work Xisuma!

  4. colin2219 Says:


  5. Mundo Beil Says:

    You can use testfor commands with a clock

  6. awsomecp173 Says:

    How do you make the item id show on the items?

  7. Rottgrip Says:

    The carpet you fall of the redstone ore when your move it though.
    Good idea tho :/

  8. Kyle Chapman Says:

    (Pistons don’t cause redstone ores to update)
    So an idea would be to have more than one ore block and each time you use the carpet pressure plate you could use a piston to replace the ore with another. That way you would be able to use it a lot more often.

  9. Absolmaniac77 Says:

    He is the map maker of the superhostile maps, one warning… He can be a evil bastard that wants to kill us on all possible ways :)

  10. Thran DoVi Says:

    I´m so tired of danish people even though i am one of them myself.

  11. turbotonic27 Says:

    because one doesnt know who vech is. you dont need to flag his comment. i dont either know who he is

  12. rud beus Says:

    Are you the brother of sethbling :p

  13. TheMgjyrkiz Says:

    an item frame isn’t a block, like a picture. doing that cant be done because they are both blocks! like placing a torch and a ladder in the same block

  14. kanethornwyrd Says:

    As elegant as simple !!!

  15. Kyle Chapman Says:

    Unless moving the block underneath destroys the carpet..

  16. KHaL Yeleytr Says:


  17. karl120699 Says:

    you are also able to do that in minecraft 1.5.2 with snow instet of a carpet
    :) sorry for my english i am from denmark

  18. ChainsawPolice Says:

    You could, but that would involve a constantly-running clock to activate the command block every now and again, which could generate unneeded lag – especially on a server world.

  19. TabeRanger Says:

    Thanks xisuma!
    I just made a video of a carpet piston door using a little bit of your stuff in this video! Please check it out :)

  20. MCbro BG Says:

    But only in creative O_O

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