Minecraft: Cauldron Door Tutorial

Minecraft: Cauldron Door TutorialTutorials Playlist â-» http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB388783144C45A8 This tutorial will show you how to build a door made of Cauldrons! Thats right, …

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Apr 6th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Cauldron Door Tutorial”

  1. Pingu sakado Says:

    Cool =)

  2. MasterOfNewb Says:

    can’t you use the water bottle to refill it?

  3. Maciek Natzke Says:

    Xisuma at what times do you usually upload?

  4. Octopie Jones Says:

    Could you not invert the power from the comparators, and simply use a water
    bucket as the key in survival? Empty cauldron=closed door, fill it up, the
    door opens. 

  5. Tharky Says:

    Here’s another idea for mapmakers, retexture the empty bottle with a key,
    the water bottle with a broken key and the cauldrons will be the doors (or
    blocks with keyholes on them). It would look good and work as a key. Good
    find x!

  6. James Coyle Says:

    Can you remove water from cauldrons with a bucket?

  7. Dreamh00k Says:

    Looks cool

  8. Adriak Says:

    I’m guessing you could also configure this to make a cauldron trap
    door/secret entrance through the floor



  10. MattelBEAST Says:


  11. Sebastian Klein Says:

    xisuma you’re such a witch at redstone, nice work ;)

  12. jocavaol Says:

    Cauldrons should be used a lot more, I have made a binary memory with them.

  13. Mithikz Says:

    Great vid Xisuma :D

    Nice Idea for a door, and the first decent use for cauldrons I have ever
    seen :)

  14. NiceMarkMC Says:

    Nice one!

  15. Kaimar Urm Says:

    Hmm.. I thought cauldrons couldnt be moved by pistons..
    But a nice video, Xisuma!

  16. PiKaWulF Says:

    xsumia can you do a myth busting video on what block effect light
    levels..like does a chest (which is smaller than a normal block still let
    light through),,,ect

  17. 911TEDS Says:

    xisumavoid your need to make a secret thing like secret chests furnaces
    not vivible to the huma eye but can be still used

  18. geniegm Says:

    Audio not working for moi

  19. Silas gehteuchnixan Says:

    cool, nice idead but not very compact ;)

  20. Milroy Schoor Says:


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