Minecraft | Attack of the B-Team | E06 “Zombie Zapper 9000!”

Minecraft | Attack of the B-Team | E06 Let’s play Minecraft “Attack of the B-Team” modpack! In this episode, we build the “Zombie Zapper 9000″ to support our necromancy creations and monster jerky…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Mar 18th, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft | Attack of the B-Team | E06 “Zombie Zapper 9000!””

  1. Hunter Lovering Says:

    I will make a skin

  2. Kyle Biehl Says:

    Paul if you get a player head can you put it on a minion? I know chim got
    Bdubs head, maybe you could buy it.

  3. Jay Y. Says:

    the crystal ball only works within a hundred block radius so ya stay 100
    blocks away from chim at all times lol

  4. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Says:

    If you want a peaceful zombie why not make one with necromancy mod? instead
    of different pieces. Just make it entirely a zombie.

  5. Cam LeWren Says:

    Reason you absorbed Frank, was cause he was Frank, he was no longer zombie,
    RIP Frank.

  6. Gavin Wilson Says:

    Paul, if you want to put Igor into a safari net make a safari net launcher.
    This will allow you to shoot Igor and over things with the net and capture
    (or release them with the launcher) them without getting too close! I
    cannot currently find anything on how to stop the spying but Chimney can
    only spy on you if he is in about 150 blocks so if you set up a player
    detector system or something you could end that pesky witch.

  7. Cole Nugteren Says:

    Paul baby zombies will survive that. Lower the fence

  8. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Oh dagnabit! I forgot to do the Big Tipper wall! Oh well, remind me for
    next episode….

  9. Aaron Brown Says:

    If you become a hamster you can fit through the little spaces in stairs
    (basically half of a half slab) and can make tunnels around the world! Lol

  10. Cubulous Says:

    PSJ, which version of optifine do you use? Every one I try for 1.6.4 makes
    my character skin glitch out :(

  11. DongYoonKangVideos Says:

    i’m not sure but i think we can do shift and right click for nametags(gb
    successed to name villager like that)

  12. Mango Pie Lord Says:

    about crafting… try holding shift while clicking the question mark.
    this will place all the items in the crafing table FOR you. :)

  13. Timothy McSwain Says:

    Paul, I’m guessing this has been mentioned already but there is an item
    called the “Grinder” that will kill mobs, drop their usual drops, and
    collect Mob Essence if you have a connected receptacle for it. It does,
    however, need a power source.

  14. Charlie Nangle Says:

    If you make an iron chest there is more storage

  15. Huw Gamer Says:

    Paul be friends with cimeny

  16. Dominer IronFist Says:

    Hi paul, Genny was having the same trouble naming a villager (always opened
    trade window) he finaly managed it by standing just beyond trade distance
    but still within nametag distance. Something like that might work for you.

  17. Huskyy2 Says:

    Grind wool in a pulverizer with Thermal expansion

  18. Alcadeias90 Says:

    Maybe it will work to catch Igor in a safari net if you threw it with a
    launcher? It worked for Chimney with his pet cat…which i think also
    interpreted right clicks as sit/follow commands…

  19. TwoMoores Says:

    You know how you can click on the question mark? We’ll if you hold shift
    and click on it , it will automatically put all those items into the
    crafting table.
    If you don’t have the Materials to make that item nothing will happen.

  20. Jesiah Neubauer Says:

    Paul try holding shift and right click on igor 

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