Minecraft: Amplified Survival #11 – WITHER SKULL HUNTING!

Minecraft: Amplified Survival #11 - WITHER SKULL HUNTING!Join our Minecraft Server – IP: skyblock.BeastCraft.net Amplified Survival is a custom gametype in vanilla Minecraft, it amplifies the terrain allowing you…

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Filed under BrenyBeast : Comments (20) : Mar 3rd, 2014

20 Responses to “Minecraft: Amplified Survival #11 – WITHER SKULL HUNTING!”

  1. EnderDoes MC Says:

    Hey Breny you could make the best sword! Combine ur 2 swords and it will
    give you sharpness 5 unbreaking 3 looting 3 and fire aspect 2!!!! Also love
    your Hunga games ;)

  2. TheFloppyFishHD Says:

    you should enchant books instead of weapons incase you dont get the right

  3. LumberJackUss Says:

    Nice video dude, I subscribed to you about a week ago and already you’re
    one of my favourite Youtubers! keep up the good work!

    Jack.. xD

  4. Alex McGrail Says:

    Also, Wither Boss Battles 

  5. BrenyBeast - Minecraft Says:

    Hope you all enjoy this video, if you do feel free to share it with a

  6. TheAdzman01 Says:

    Put your sharp IV Fire aspect 2 looting 3 with the sharp IV unbreaking 3 to
    make sharp v unbreaking 3 looting 3 fire aspect 2

  7. kaelinator17 Says:

    I remember herobrine

  8. UrIdealGamer Says:

    No intro? :(

  9. EDSTSER Theron Says:


  10. DulJuice Says:

    Lovely episode as usual! My favorite series of yours! :D

  11. TheMasoMann Says:

    Breny you should do an SMP series!

  12. Deadlyamphibian Says:

    If your looking for a wither farm, look at what xisumavoid built on the
    hermitcraft server. He was able to get 100 beacons using that

  13. Kirk Patrick Says:


  14. Aussie Killer Says:

    There’s a bigger chance of a mob dropping its head if you kill it with an
    axe * very efficient*

  15. Benjamin Scholten Says:

    Yeah a new one thx Breny :D

  16. Lauren Ellis Says:

    Looting does help wither skull drops, it’s been proven! <3

  17. LoztInTimeHD Says:


  18. surfie007 Says:

    You should put a adf.ly on your world download so you can make a bit more
    cash to make your videos better

  19. Kirk Patrick Says:

    Quick before you watch the video, guess how many he makes a cut ib the
    vido? :D

  20. Erick Flack Says:

    cant wait for the WITHER BOSS BATTLES next video

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