#Minecraft 1.2.5 Vending Machine Concept

#Minecraft 1.2.5 Vending Machine ConceptClick to sub:bit.ly ———-[You may also Like]——- How to Green screen in Minecraft www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Connect to MINECRAFTdotNET]———- 2ND CHANNEL:- www.youtube.com TWITTER :- twitter.com FACEBOOK :- www.facebook.com ———— Directors channel: www.youtube.com

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : May 1st, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft 1.2.5 Vending Machine Concept”

  1. mrhow2minecraft Says:

    It got removed apparently. LOL.

  2. Al3x2015 Says:

    Lol I made almost the exact same thing when repeaters first came out.

  3. SNIP3RIS1 Says:

    Could be more compact…

  4. MegaSkippy100 Says:

    cookies suck

  5. vidkreca Says:

    you suck

  6. Aeletaz747 Says:

    that is actually pretty cool!

  7. SNIP3RIS1 Says:

    Oh and when sand falls, you should put a torch down there.

  8. jailbreakkid100 Says:


  9. MacaroniGamer Says:

    Good tutorial. But what most people don’t know is that when sand or gravel are falling, they are an entity. This means that when they are in a falling state, a redstone current cannot pass through it. When sand or gravel hit the ground again, they become solid. That’s what allows ur machine to work.

  10. ILOVEMW3 Says:

    Rare gravel LOL!

  11. BattleFieldStore Says:

    I search for this but i needet als plat

  12. ArmorBreaker88 Says:

    Where is the sexy trees video…

    Has it been delet et

  13. nuun0010 Says:

    he said “my mic is a bit dodgy” ;-)

  14. GFGameplay Says:

    Nice machine dude! :D

  15. MrModellbaufreak Says:

    You live right next to an Airport or was that your computer.

  16. ClearEditing Says:

    “I had to use my bad mic”
    amm, why did you bought 1 bad mic and 1 good mic in the first place? -_-

  17. DigitalisedMedia Says:

    Shit. Gotta get me some rare gravel up in my hut.

  18. stagger87 Says:

    The kid knows his redstone

  19. epicrysis10 Says:

    In the pit u could have a torch above lava

  20. lbmcnally Says:

    Im subbing

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