#Minecraft 1.2.5 Faction PvP server showcase

#Minecraft 1.2.5 Faction PvP server showcaseClick to sub:bit.ly ———-[You may also Like]——- How to Green screen in Minecraft www.youtube.com Amazing Piston Sandwave www.youtube.com ———-[Connect to MINECRAFTdotNET]———- 2ND CHANNEL:- www.youtube.com TWITTER :- twitter.com FACEBOOK :- www.facebook.com ———— Directors channel: www.youtube.com

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Filed under MINECRAFTdotNET : Comments (20) : Jun 16th, 2012

20 Responses to “#Minecraft 1.2.5 Faction PvP server showcase”

  1. kerimralfi Says:

    Fucking Dumb Video

  2. Derek Palmer Says:

    then why the fuck put up a video

  3. 21stcenturykiller Says:

    yeah they do

  4. mrweirdo234 Says:

    everybody SHUT UP this is a grest server and it’s getting way over hated!

  5. xXxiREDStonexXx Says:

    wtf…wats the point of this vid and the arenas r fucked

  6. GuiltyIsland Says:


  7. 21stcenturykiller Says:

    quality is perfect u just cant run good quality

  8. ToGlennful Says:

    mc.hyperclans.info Great Clanwars server ! GRIEFING AND RAIDING ALLOWED ! Enjoy playing ! i Would appriciate if someone joins !

  9. WriterTyler Says:

    1:54 Does anyone put torches on their roof, anymore? Cool server, though!

  10. Zwickee810 Says:

    Why the hell would there be no greifing on a faction pvp server?!?!? Fucking retarded

  11. CombatSolver Says:

    Cool story, Sadly No one Has a flying fuck to give you :(

  12. IamRoBiin Says:

    l2english -> quality check the contents –“

  13. dylanwohoo Says:

    Het is een kanaal waar ze dingen uploaden van mensen die een filmpje hier op willen zetten. Dus het is altijd iets anders.

  14. 21stcenturykiller Says:

    ok go away nobody gives a fuck

  15. Gam3tipz Says:

    This server needs more players! it a Hardcore faction one! all go to mc.forgotten-war(DOT)com

  16. TheBlackop117 Says:

    Do u need premium

  17. 2DPROJECT Says:

    halo 3 double then triple :)


  18. xXxiREDStonexXx Says:

    wtf…the arenas r f ucked

  19. GamesForYourMac Says:

    No music info bro

  20. ThatsMrFrank Says:

    Looks cool, but that music makes me want to kill myself.

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