Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore – S6E04: Bologna

Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore - S6E04: BolognaWelcome to Season 6 of the Ultra Hardcore series. Season 6 has 13 participants in a Free For All, every man for himself, style of game play. The map is randomly generated with an mcedited glass border around its 2000×2000 perimeter. The goal is to kill or outlive all the other players. The only way to recover health in this is with golden apples or instant health potions. Golden apples require a 8 gold ingots (instead of nuggets) and an apple to craft. Glistering Melons require 1 gold block (instead of 1 nugget) and a melon. Health does not recover from keeping your hunger bar full. (Competitors) AnderZEL – www.youtube.com Baj – www.youtube.com Bdoubleo – www.youtube.com Etho – www.youtube.com Guude – www.youtube.com Just_defy – www.youtube.com Kurt – www.youtube.com MCGamer – www.youtube.com Nebris – www.youtube.com Pakratt – www.youtube.com Pause – www.youtube.com VintageBeef – www.youtube.com Zisteau – www.youtube.com MOD: www.minecraftforum.net Vote on the outcome: awesomekt.kodingen.com Intro Compilation: www.youtube.com Intro Art: www.youtube.com Intro Music: Kevin MacLeod (www.incompetech.com)

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : May 21st, 2012

20 Responses to “Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore – S6E04: Bologna”

  1. antiMatterDynamit Says:

    it’s so funny you can still see what you saw when you died
    puase just comes right through you like nothing happened

  2. EpicMeProductions Says:

    I didn’t know Pause’s name was Alex.
    You see,you learn something new everyday!

  3. 76ecth981 Says:

    I’m not actually one of your subscribes I’m one of Alex’s I was just curious as to the comments on this video.. It’s rather sad that people have reacted this way to some lag on minecraft, there wasn’t a rule to check if the other player was lagging.. And threatening Pause over something that wasn’t his fault is pathetic..

  4. iOWNu1221 Says:

    kid go outside and get a life instead of raging for a game you did not even participate in

  5. crmdCommentsOnly Says:


  6. ProjectOsxar Says:

    It’s sad that the connection got you this time, I’m sure that you’d get him if it weren’t for the internet ;) We still love you Etho! <3

  7. iOWNu1221 Says:

    heetfromlv is a moron!!!!

  8. iOWNu1221 Says:

    ever heard about armor, oh i forgot that you are a moron thinking friends cheat on each other

  9. faniel951 Says:

    gg etho

  10. antiMatterDynamit Says:

    man why would you put the death again and again like that?
    that tears me apart!

  11. WesStink Says:

    Hey, here’s an idea. Stop being such a cunt.

  12. Clawiste Says:

    love this season! sadly pause killed you again :(.. but next time.. you will rock!! :)

  13. crmdCommentsOnly Says:

    Pauseunpause (Alex) is a member of the MIndcrack server along with etho and all who were participating in the game. An unfortunate problem of UHC is that Etho has a very large fanbase and when someone kills etho, an overwhelming amount of fans”attack” Alex’s channel & videos for killing etho. Etho’s fans (who should know that etho and Alex are great friends and are in an alliance known as Team canada) dislike his content, spam his videos and threaten him. UNfair since he is just playing the game

  14. iOWNu1221 Says:

    Because Ethopians like you are morons thinking this game is real life. You Ethopians may have made Etho and Pause quit UHC for good

  15. lehresman Says:

    I suspect the way lag works, you were screwed because you were backing up while he was running toward you. Your movements would have been delayed, meaning your actual position on the server was closer to Pause (since he was running toward your delayed position), letting him hit you. If this happens again, I’d love to see what happens if you charged instead of retreated. Can’t say I blame you though, you reacted better than I would have. gg

  16. TheLickableCandy Says:

    “I wanna move…. SOO BADLY!!!”
    Should have done it Etho, Should have done it….

  17. GeotanCP Says:

    Even if Pause quits UHC, people will freak on the Mindcrack server. Etho would say “If you’re going to act like this, then unsubscribe.” (This is a comment trying to help, not make it worse).

  18. alonso275 Says:

    aww gg etho :( just sayin i hope the next time there are teams it should be team canada or you and pause!

  19. DireneedsMC Says:

    MY GOD. It irks me so much when someone breeds their dogs, gets the puppy, and then just listens to it whine and cry from low health for the rest of it’s life. You gotta feed that puppy!

  20. camofly14 Says:

    me too

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