Mindcrack S4E39 “Doc Trump Enterprises, Inc.” (Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Server)

Mindcrack S4E39 Minecraft survival multiplayer in UHC mode! In this episode, we visit Doc at his witch factory to “wheel and deal” for glowstone for the museum! Later, we install the exhibit pedestals for…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Oct 23rd, 2013

20 Responses to “Mindcrack S4E39 “Doc Trump Enterprises, Inc.” (Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Server)”

  1. osmking8 Says:

    canijoinmindcrack(.)com, all info there

  2. necronsplayer Says:

    Griefing is the act of irritating and angering people in video games through the use of destruction, construction, or social engineering. Most pranks on the Mindcrack server count as griefing. Personally I define griefing as destroying or altering a person’s build/base without their express permission. Honestly I think saying “you lack perspective” is just your way of saying that you refuse to acknowledge that you crossed a line because you thought it was funny. Vechs didn’t laugh.

  3. brocklefrog Says:

    Hey Paul, I have a few suggestions for you. First, I agree with you that you should use the pumpkins instead of glowstone, it will save on resources, and they also provide the same amount of lighting. Plus, you could need glowstone for further projects, so it would be wise to save on it. Second, I think that you should burn the giant pumpkin down, or blow it up. Just make sure you lift the blocks off of the shack, we don’t want the dock to burn down!

  4. brocklefrog Says:

    Lastly, I just have suggestions for the colors of the color coding in the museum. The stronghold should be black, the end should be yellow, the nether should be red, desert temple should be orange, jungle temple should be green, mineshaft should be brown, and dungeon should be light gray. Thanks for reading!

  5. David Lewis Says:

    I thought you were going to reconstruct bits of ancient structures and have railcart tour of the museum, not put bits and pieces on pedestals and let people walk about which would just be really boring.

  6. keenviewer Says:

    Buttons could turn on lights individually, keeping the subdued lighting theme.

  7. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Nope. I’m fine with my prank and so was Vechs. It’s YOU that lacks perspective and/or an understanding of how pranking on Mindcrack works. It’s okay, you’re entitled to your opinion and I won’t hold it against you. XD

  8. MattnMolly Mitchell Says:

    Hey psj how do you get your mindcrack server? I would really like to go on it because everybody on it seems super freindly and stuff, and when i try out servers nobody talks to me! pleas write back on my disscussion page for My account! :D

  9. Angrynoob755 Says:

    Notch… WOW… *BLEEP POOP* THATS *BLEEPING* AWESOME *I think those words with the bleep are mot those words but different words that might not be suitable for kids

  10. hoban3570 Says:

    You should color code the exhibits to make it easier to define :)

  11. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Village doesn’t count because it’s not really my idea of an “ancient” structure. People live there :)

  12. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Thx. Indeed, each episode takes at least 3 hours to record, edit, render, upload, comment, etc.  :(

  13. Servantofthecastle Says:

    The Affordable Care A. Made my insurance premiums go up by 120%! :-|

  14. Joel Boqvist Says:

    Instead of red carpet on the side in the walkie bit put red woolblocks like you did where the signs goes, looks a bit weird when it goes up and down. :)

  15. Sven Tova Says:

    Some people just don’t get it…….

  16. keenviewer Says:

    He has a job. He has a family. Time is precious and there is only so much time left at the end of the day to play. It amazes me how much he creates as it is! Just saying :)

  17. paulsoaresjr Says:

    I have this thing called FAMILY. 3 kids, a wife, a house, a business, other hobbies, etc. I can only DO so much Minecraft. Things come and go, just have to accept it.

  18. sgarr17 Says:

    You can find the IP at canijoinmindcrack(dot)com :)

  19. HaloFTW2408 Says:

    It may be because he does not consider villages “ancient structures”, and I believe he said he had enough pedestals for the archaeology/ancient structures wing of the museum at (~24:30)

  20. reaperamon Says:

    What is the server IP?

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