Map Making – Battle Bane: Episode 11

Map Making - Battle Bane: Episode 11Today we get back to work at my map project. We search for a slice of vanilla terrain using amidst and then paste it into my game. Then we go over the game d…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Mar 26th, 2014

20 Responses to “Map Making – Battle Bane: Episode 11”

  1. IronStoneMine Says:

    I love the strategic thinking! There are not many maps and pvp games that
    encourage that factor. Team play in pvp maps is one of the most fun things
    to in Minecraft for me. Sadly a lot of Youtubers don’t appreciate this kind
    of gameplay too much. Setting the battle time to 20 min and have maybe 3 to
    5 points to win could make for an awesome series! :) I really hope this
    game will help pushing competitive Minecraft more in the center of
    attention! I’d really like to see some big tournaments like the old RFW
    tournaments. But we’ll have to wait and see… anyways: thanks for working
    on this idea, it’s gonna be amazing!

  2. stefan roman Says:

    I forgot about it! Anyways im realy into it! Hope it gets out soon if it
    gets out! Keep up the good work

  3. RaidenX196 Says:

    One problem I’m seeing is that, You keep mentioning ‘people staying behind
    to collect resources.” But the issue is, If the battles in the arena aren’t
    lasting very long at all, Then it’s not helpful to the people who stay
    behind. Perhaps you need something to make the arena more formidable in the
    way of duration.

  4. Eric Karnes Says:

    I think that since one of, if not most of the twist that comes with this
    game is that you must gather your own resources, than their shouldn’t be
    any resources to be find on the actual arena. But if you must, then I would
    suggest they be placed in the center to make it a battle of it’s own to
    gather them.

  5. tjeerdo112 Says:

    Looks GREAT =D

  6. John Subba Says:

    MAKE DA MAP! I can’t wait to play!

  7. Brandon Ogden Says:

    If a player dies in the arena, do they instantly go back to resource
    gathering, or do they have to wait until someone wins the arena? I think
    this could be pretty important and add a layer of teamwork either way
    because if there is only one person left on a team and they have no chance
    to win, they might want to go ahead and die, so they can go back to
    resource collect with the rest of their team, or if it team is dominating
    they might want to stick around. For that matter, you could make it so that
    a team has to stay in the arena until their whole team has died -that way
    if you lose in the arena you get a head start and can gather more resources
    (or at least have more manpower to gather resources) until the next one
    starts, whereas the winning team will only have the 10 minute countdown.

  8. judd500 Says:

    WOW! Sooo much thought and planning has gone into this. Very impressive.

  9. Aryan Ranade Says:

    Etho u should play this game after u are done with it

  10. nbcraft99 Says:

    Etho are you considering to put BattleBane on PlayMindcrack?

  11. Vaysm Says:

    This game sounds great! I’m excited to see it finished

  12. Ohmagadu Watafa Says:

    I want to play with you etho plz :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ?

  13. William Cheek Says:

    Etho this is brilliant! It’s a beautifully designed game and I can’t wait
    to see videos of it :D

  14. flemish4 Says:

    This looks awesome! Going to be interesting to see how the strategy
    develops! Make sure you get mindcrack guys playing :)

  15. Daniel Miller Says:

    I wonder what mobs will be in this?

  16. james partridge Says:

    Have you thought about that they may be able to make a portal in the nether
    to get to the arena 

  17. Girre Says:

    This is going to be really neat.

  18. _lion123 Says:

    Etho, did you consider making everyone gamemode 2 on the arena?

  19. Zealthor Says:

    Oh man, I really like the concept of this game. Can’t wait!

  20. Namrow97 Says:

    Etho, two suggestions/comments, what happens if only one team goes to the
    arena? Do they win? maybe they get a bonus like keeping their stuff…
    Also, have you considered using just two teams? I usually find with two
    that the game feels much more straightforward and you can really focus on
    the enemy? Idk just a thought

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