Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 8] “Obey the Banana! (and plasma gun)” (Gameplay / Playthrough)

Let's Play Starbound [Ep 8] Let’s play Starbound, the sandbox of galactic adventure! In this episode, Clyde pays homage to the almighty Banana before going to war, decked out in full se…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Dec 17th, 2013

20 Responses to “Let’s Play Starbound [Ep 8] “Obey the Banana! (and plasma gun)” (Gameplay / Playthrough)”

  1. Lane Parr Says:

    I like your Dr the first time he said
    “Your health is important but so is my wallet” lol 

  2. HidForHG Says:

    Paul you could have interacted with the ‘standard console’ you picked up
    near the end.

  3. sgtredd1 Says:

    It’s not a prison it’s a military bunker and it would make an epic base.

  4. Evergreen641 Says:

    That would be Dr. Nafario from Despicable Me.

  5. JediMasterOW Says:

    The plasma gun uses energy. You can shoot and use the shield at the same
    time! Also don’t forget the check the inventory of bookcases and crates and

  6. Mettelus Says:

    I don’t think this is a prison, I found a prison in my world (Yes you made
    me buy star bound!) and it was dirty and horrible, full of spot lights and
    inmates trying to shank me (all female oddly)

  7. Hayden Fundament Says:

    On your PaulieOnTap channel, what happened to Skyrim? Will you ever help
    the Stormcloaks to victory?

  8. Kadinz Says:

    If you want cheaper Red stim packs, you can buy them for 175 pixels from a

  9. 123mmify Says:

    Such a good game.

  10. KingFwobba Says:

    is there like a leveling system in this game?

  11. cher roamer Says:

    little sick tonight, but luv ur videos..had to watch this one 3 times ,,I
    keep falling
    asleep..signed feverish.

  12. Thomas Desmet Says:

    if you shoot the gun it will take energy off!

  13. Alex Caldwell Says:

    hey paul, why not try figuring out how to store pixels

  14. paulsoaresjr Says:
  15. Severin Donner Says:

    so he can get a gun but i can’t

  16. Donutgames00 Says:

    U were killing healing bots healing u, :/ u just killed AO Robots!

  17. Torchit Says:

    This series sterted everything for Planet of The Apes…

  18. dj4rapz Says:

    hey Paul, should I get Pixel Piracy or Starbound?

  19. MrMooneclips Says:

    i have heard that the world is basically the same when they spawn so if you
    take the cordinates to the world you are on now and went there whit the new
    character then you will have the prison there to, not sure if that is true
    only =( //Regards moon

  20. Neutral Panda Films Says:


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