LEGO Minecraft Box Sets – The First Night and Ender Dragon “Unboxing!”

LEGO Minecraft Box Sets - The First Night and Ender Dragon LEGO and Mojang sent me two of the new upcoming Minecraft sets to share with you guys! In this video, my son and I “unbox” The First Night and The Ender Dragon sets and have a quick look at…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Oct 5th, 2014

20 Responses to “LEGO Minecraft Box Sets – The First Night and Ender Dragon “Unboxing!””

  1. jake dye Says:

    Lucky I want those 

  2. Brosuars Says:

    Is chief his son

  3. Connor Rentz Says:

    the audio sounds fine. The sets look fun to build. I want to know what you
    look like! maybe a face cam or something..

  4. David Way Says:

    I can’t believe this thing is actually more expensive than the game itself.

  5. Rakeem Beckett-Scott Says:

    COOL, new Minecraft lego.

  6. SidmCraft Says:

    Who’s the youtube name of ur *copapnion

  7. RainpathCat Says:

    *when CheifChirpa ripped the box*
    Me: *claps slowly*

  8. Eugene Staroselsky Says:

    That’s pretty dang cool.

  9. TheDittro Says:

    Lego and Mojang gave it to you?

  10. AA69ist Says:

    Is it true paulsoares made the first minecraft tutorial?, i also prefer
    this channel with no profanity.

  11. Thatrandomguy Fromchile Says:

    Nooo, the box!!
    When it broke i felt like something was breaking inside me :,(

  12. slugbug229 Says:

    How old is chief now?? Jumbo is like 18, remmi is like 14 or 15, so I’m
    guessing chief is what like 12 or 13???

  13. The fluffy hub Says:

    You should do a review of these two sets 

  14. BrickGolem1983 Says:

    I want the Enderdragon set. :)

  15. Ethanjdj Says:

    Can someone please help me I want to play the game The Escapitsts and it
    says o steam I need 2gb of ram and a Dual Core CPU 2.4 gHz but I have 1 gb
    of ram and a Dual Core 2.6 gHz can I still play it with no lag and it

  16. paulsoaresjr Says:
  17. Skudd Says:

    how often u will post stonehearth???

  18. paulsoaresjr Says:

    Sorry for the shoddy camera work but at least you get a halfway decent
    sneak peek at the new sets! :) Cheers!

  19. Parker Craft Says:

    Put the Lego Steve and creeper on your desk in your office with your other
    Lego characters there that you showed in you 100k sub special. 

  20. St. Rawman Says:

    Paul is one of the few mindcrack guys I can still watch.

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