Lag Busting [Minecraft Myth Busting 65]

Lag Busting [Minecraft Myth Busting 65]Minecraft Myth Busting Playlist â-» For this episode we try something different and do some “lag busting”, checking…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Nov 24th, 2014

20 Responses to “Lag Busting [Minecraft Myth Busting 65]”

  1. Peter Lustig Says:

    Should have tried filling the sky with glass + water on top (Light
    calculation) and mob AI/Pathfinding

  2. Sl1pg8r - Minecraft, Mods, and MOAR! Says:

    Ha! The carpets looks awesome! The glass too! Loved those designs! Also,
    good info. What about lag caused by mobs or animals? 

  3. RichietheGamer Says:

    thank you very much for doing these tests this episode was freaking amazing
    Xisuma! YOU ARE A BEAST!

  4. Dennis van Rij Says:

    1:14 When you look down you dont see the sun moving….

  5. KnightMiner Says:

    You mixed up the definition of tile entities – item frames and armor stands
    are simply entities. Blocks that use an entity to store information, such
    as chests or furnaces, are tile entities.

    This was mainly showing rendering lag busting, other lag could be checked
    using Shift-F3, such as hopper’s tick lag.

  6. Darkion Says:

    Lava, water, sponges, dragon eggs, enchantment tables[I have tried this one
    and makes hell of a lot lag], torches, pistons/extended pistons, beacons,
    mob spawners, armor stands with armor, soul sand, growing
    wheat/carrots/potatoes, burning netherrack, repeaters, redstone, flowers,
    grass, rails, levers, buttons, sea lanterns, dirt that has been hoed*[used
    a hoe on it], tnt.

  7. frognik79 Says:

    Please stop using the word ‘lag’ incorrectly.

  8. StefGaming Says:

    Give me your 700 fps!!!!!! I’m just a poor boy with a max of 20 fps :(

  9. tggt00 Says:

    xisuma I think you’re forgetting something very important, it doesn’t
    matter what the shape of the block/entity is, in fact it’s pure bullshit to
    say that, I feel like it’s a big misconception that the more complex a
    model is the more lag it makes, I mean yes, it makes a little bit of lag
    but when we’re talking about minecraft, shapes does not matter, what
    matters is the amount of calculation a block/entity does.

  10. Nicowitsz Says:

    What about the Animated blocks? Thinking of sea lantern etc.
    Also my friend made a big house of stained clay with different colors, and
    everyone nearby that house was really having some fps drop, maybe stained
    clay cause lag? Hmm

  11. Magnus Justesen Says:

    How did you make these giant squares – did you make them by command? (what
    command), did you make them with command blocks? (what did you write) or
    did you make them with your hand?

  12. Nosduh B Says:

    an empty item frame cause less lag then one with an item in due to the item
    placed in the item frame is another entity

  13. xisumavoid Says:
  14. Binidj Says:

    I note that while you put an object inside the item frame, you left the
    armour stand empty. Might be worth repeating the test with empty item
    frames and “dressed” armour stands.

  15. FIEX Says:

    “I have quiet a powerful computer” .. Has a 6800 series GPU.

  16. BuildMeASnowmanBiatch Says:

    A lot of people say Minecraft is CPU dominant but I don’t really see why.
    Sure a good CPU will help you generate chunks a lot faster (No chunk
    generating lag with my fx-6300). If you think about it though, most farms
    are GPU dominant. Especially mob farms. That’s because a mob model has more
    polygons than a normal block. And that’s what a GPU is supposed to do, draw
    polygons. If you have a lot of mobs, that equals a lot of polygons, which
    equals a lot of GPU usage.
    So what I want to know is, what other mechanics require a good CPU other
    than chunk generation? 

  17. Felix Jones Says:

    Xisuma, this is incredibly unscientific! Also you’re not testing lag here,
    you’re testing frame-rate. Lag is latency, FPS is how often the current
    game state is drawn.

    I’m going to write a reply explaining some of the FPS changes you saw, I’m
    a graphics engine programmer and pretty much all of this is expected
    knowing Minecraft

  18. TheBlackBeltPanda Minecraft Videos Says:

    Would love to see a test on what blocks affect TPS and to what extent, such
    as hoppers transferring items, lots of chests, entities, redstone clocks,
    etc. =)

  19. Even Andre Solheim Says:

    Jeez, update your java we are not on java 7 anymore and atleast not update
    17, if you really don’t want to, atleast update to latest jave 7 update

  20. mbiggz gaming Says:

    The carpet one looks like an illusion! That cool :D

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