Hermitcraft UHC VII 02 Two Derps One Cave

Hermitcraft UHC VII 02 Two Derps One CaveDon’t miss an episode â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKhg-j–EyaKcGoZyYEFTHT6 Get achievements? Get buffed! In this season each achievement will give you an increase …

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Feb 24th, 2015

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft UHC VII 02 Two Derps One Cave”

  1. BeasttrollMC Says:

    If you get this reference in the title, i would like tell you a story about
    jesus christ.

  2. Peter Pimmelmann Says:

    that title makes me slightly uncomfortable…

  3. ZenithYT Says:

    I have a good picture in my head of X, brown hair, few tattoos, rockstar
    personality inside a semi posh man

  4. RONOCgem Says:

    Hey X, I have a gamemode idea that might be cool to try :) So basically
    every night at midnight a certain number of levels will be taken from each
    player as a sacrifice of sorts. The number of levels needed increases by 1
    or 2 each night. If a player cannot give the required levels then they will
    take damage instead. So eventually people will have to make ways of farming
    xp easily or they will be at a disadvantage. Love the vids keep it up XDD

  5. Jacky Chan Says:

    exactly what you need to make an enchanting table!

  6. Keralis Says:

    I would tag this two EPIC derps, one cave. :) 

  7. Thomas Miz Says:

    First. Oh wait, im not the first. The people that says first doesnt
    understand that THEREA FIVE HUNDRED MILLION firsts per video.

  8. Brian West Says:

    Derps aside, I’m really impressed with Xisuma’s presence of mind in an
    Ultra Hardcore Game. So many people get a little worked up in the high
    pressure environment and so stupid things they know better than to do, but
    Xisuma keeps his head impressively even in UHC (working fast, not wasting
    resources, blocking a creeper off with a block instead of fighting it). I’m
    seriously impressed.
    Also, Keralis’ voice is just great, and I feel so good listening to him

  9. rubysown Says:

    That’s some quick nether portal building X! 

  10. DJStewy29 Says:

    +xisumavoid Hey X, I was thinking that for UHC Season 8 you could have
    custom terrain with loot crates placed in certain areas of the map. It is
    similar to the “Survival of the Fittest” game by BdoubleO, except for the
    fact that it is in vanilla. Also, I (and surely many other viewers) would
    really like to see the hermits do a Survival Bingo some time. Thanks again
    as always X! I look forward to the next video!

  11. Zueljin Gaming - Minecraft, Indie, and More Says:

    Lol epic title innuendo! 

  12. MegaXLR Says:

    Just got my internet back online. first thing i do… check the YouTube
    feed (Not broken. Tutorial will be coming out soon) Xisuma uploaded
    something :DDD

  13. ikbinhans Says:

    18:27 The good thing with lava lakes.. is furnaces. :P

  14. xisumavoid Says:
  15. jpdude98 Says:

    Drop a like for Mindcrack vs Hermitcraft UHC!

  16. Jack Whitehouse Says:

    Xisuma, how about every time a place dies, a cannon goes of and IF you have
    a compass it points to the death point. A diamond spawns where they die
    every 10 minutes.

  17. Villok Says:

    Aww! GG X
    I hate skeletons too ;/
    Hope you win next time! 

  18. Anthony Fox Says:

    I think UHC should be fast and frightening. Chasing achievements for buffs
    kills that, in my opinion. You can call stuff like this “Hermitcraft
    Pleasant Party Time”. It’s not bad, it’s just not very UHC-like.

  19. Bob Roberts Says:

    Dont make 2 girls one cup titels you remember me every time of it…
    I was eating.

  20. Jaydon PlaysGames Says:

    10mins in gets an ad!

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