Hermitcraft – Red3yz’ Base Area Download!

Hermitcraft - Red3yz' Base Area Download!Download my base area from the Hermitcraft server and give me some ideas of how to make it look all nice :) Base area / world download: http://www.mediafire….

Filed under Red3yz : Comments (20) : Mar 20th, 2013

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft – Red3yz’ Base Area Download!”

  1. xXUniqueWisdomXx Says:

    He explains in the video that the download ONLY contains his base, and not the rest of the server; just to clarify. Also, I’ll go ahead and give it a go with remodeling.

  2. red3yz Says:

    lol, always watch out for the quiet ones ;)

  3. Shibaz z Says:

    I get like 10 fps but I’ve only got a cheapish laptop so I play it on my Xbox instead, not that it’s anywhere near as good

  4. Kzxo500 Says:

    Happy Bithday Red :)

  5. red3yz Says:

    thanks! look forward to seeing what you come up with :)

  6. red3yz Says:

    thanks! :]

  7. red3yz Says:

    yup it can, you use an fft filter, works ok sometimes for constant noises like fans. the problem is you don’t breath constantly, like a fan, but take many breaths, each one sounding different and at a different volume etc, so any filtering will give different results for each breath. and because my breathing is often as loud as my talking, any filtering will also affect that, and make it sound weird or garbled. so i have to manually lower the volume of each breath, for now at least…

  8. John Raphael B. Pascua Says:

    happy birthday dude

  9. maccamac272 Says:

    Happy b day have a good one

  10. Darth Maim Says:

    Happy birthday :)

  11. Bcsnipershot Says:

    Ok, as soon as I get my computer back (dang viruses), I will pimp out your base.

  12. bigbadazza230 Says:


  13. iamfuturetrunks Says:

    Thanks for putting up a link to the updated world downloader. :D I just hope a 1.5.1 comes out for it soon. Also I take it you like the saying “I speak softly and carry a big stick” XD

  14. DreamerforeverMetal Says:

    You should be in bed, me too btw ;)

  15. Brad Gibson Says:

    Happy b day

  16. metcalf2able Says:

    Happy B’day and 30 is still young im 47 so 50 is just around the corner so scary. I hadnt realized how much work you had to put into recording these vids but i think you may be to critical on yourself. I had thought about putting out some videos myself but i know i breath loud and if i had to remove each breath that would be tough. I love your videos and hope you can find a way to edit them without all the trouble. Looking forward to your next one

  17. red3yz Says:

    no, just my base and a few areas around it

  18. clumpdoof1910 Says:

    Is this a download for the whole map?????

  19. red3yz Says:

    church bell about 30 feet from my window :) it might have been 1, but it also rings once at half past every hour :)

  20. autopiloot Says:

    Happy Birthday! Why not do a pimp my base as a brithday present?

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