Hermitcraft Modsauce 21 Automated Tree Power

Hermitcraft Modsauce 21 Automated Tree PowerModsauce Modpack â-» http://www.hermitcraft.com/modsauce Modsauce Playlist â-» https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKgqsVhaa_kWjXOmoffaZEn5 This episode we bring our tree …

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Oct 16th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft Modsauce 21 Automated Tree Power”

  1. A SR Says:

    Just a little tip for the axes, try putting a flux capacitor on them so
    that when they “Break” you can just recharge them with the RF from your
    generators. Ps: Love that Tree farm xD and Someone else has probably
    already said this but it’s a pretty good tip in general.

  2. Snocrash Says:

    ahaha… I never thought I’d see a farm of exploding Jungle Giants –
    raining down charcoal. Too funny. Good work X.

  3. MrDimensio Says:

    it always gives me a smile seeing you, as a vanilla player, be so happy in
    modded :) .

  4. Yoshi Fox Says:

    Just saying, but everything runs on RF, apart from BC and advanced genetics

  5. Non Toppic Says:

    Hey X , I was wondering , will you be doing co-ops with people on this
    series ? I mean , you already did one with biffa but I would like to see
    more co-ops with the hermits :) also , you can make tinkers tools with
    amethist , its the best material , stongest and most durability , it could
    be better for the tree farm , and you can and energy cells to make the run
    on RF :)

  6. Mike Dinasty Says:

    Xisuma I’m having problems, like every time I open ATlauncher and try to
    run Modsause it’s starts to load and then crash!?!? Like my computer can
    handle more advance bigger packs, can you please help?

  7. xisumavoid Says:

    Were back with more modsauce! This episode we rebuild and automate the

  8. KingDaddyDMAC Says:

    +xisumavoid that tree farm is soooo cool !!! Great job X :)

  9. BigBadJohn95 Says:

    Modify your lumber ax so that it charges up with RF. If you do this, it
    won’t break when it runs out of durability. You can look this up in your
    Tinkers Book. You will then be able to recharge your lumber ax.

  10. orionnijman Says:

    HELLO!! People who are reading this comment in the comment section of

  11. Samuel T Says:

    You should invest in putting repair on your axes that way while the farm
    isn’t running they should in theory fix themselves over time unless it
    doesn’t work in the autonomous activator which would be a pain. Also you
    should make a massive xp tank room to put all your xp in and use as a
    trophy style thing 

  12. XandPro Says:

    Will atonenemos activators place blocks?

  13. OfirMa85 Says:

    This tree/charcoal farm is so awesome! You are a jenious!! (Correct me if I
    have bad english please :P)

  14. xyzzy75 Says:

    This is awesome. I’ve literally never seen a tree farm like this that also
    generates experience. This is what I appreciate about watching someone new
    to modded MC play–you don’t know what the “typical” solutions to things
    like tree farms are, so you come up with interesting ideas. This setup has
    given me an idea for making a witchery tree farm, so thanks.

  15. MrBorisBaas Says:

    when is hermitcraft III coming?

  16. Apple Boss Says:

    Just a tip for the next episode Xisuma, the main and cheapest way of
    storing RF from generators for future use is in an “Energy Cell”. You start
    with the leadstone, then the hardened variant, then the redstone one and
    finally the resonant. Sure there are better ways but since you are new to
    the mods and you haven’t gotten into the tech mods all that much I
    recommend the Energy Cells.

    For moving power in pipes I reccomend the same transfer pipes you already
    use. Just put an “Energy Node” on a generator and power will flow to
    machines or cells connected via transfer pipe to the node.

    Hope this helps Xisuma, and please don’t be offended if you know all this

  17. Coolcrafter01 Says:

    Can anyone recommend a person or people I should check out with Modsauce
    because there is so many different people and I just love Modsauce

  18. Olhcim Says:

    +xisumavoid why don’t you make an array of wind turbines from mekanism
    (they dont cost very much) they are a great source of free energy.

  19. mcm Levi Says:

    xisuma just a tip the generators dont use coal if the energy is all filled
    up. oh and you can store rf in a energy cube (wirst lead best resonant

    and something else you might like is using a ender quarry what is i think
    much faster and uses rf but doesnt make a massive hole but replaces it all
    with dirt(dirt is made by the machine) 

  20. TG xcy-7 Says:

    “vanilla is a walk in the park” how long would it have taken if you would
    to clean up the waterpool vanilla style?

    and 2870 levels??? wat? i know modded minecraft can be op, but even with
    soul shards… :/

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