Hermitcraft II 281 The Big Bang

Hermitcraft II 281 The Big BangHermitcraft II Playlist â-» http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKiL51GPEbeRajHdVg_afvIn With the end of the world in sight, me and Tango set out to cause some destruction. TangoTek.

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Oct 10th, 2014

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft II 281 The Big Bang”

  1. letsplaywilly Says:

    I’ve played a server community in amplified and in ultra hardcore style
    with the health regeneration turned off.

    Plains are very flat, swamps also. Everywhere else is epic and huge moving
    around was kinda difficult at first but once we got tunnels made thru the
    big mountains and got an enderman farm up we was good for travel.

    Building those tunnels and bridges between the huge mountains was epic,
    also the flower biomes and forest biomes made the landscape so beautiful.

    Please don’t be put off, I would suggest trying it out and seeing how
    everyone gets on before the reset and find out for yourself.

    A lot of players who are perhaps put off by putting work into making roads
    and tunnels could be put off.

    You guys have the imagination and the time to make roads and bridges etc to
    be cool

  2. EC_2727 Says:

    Hey, X. I think you should keep the episode number, but parenthesize it
    after the actual episode number. For example: HermitCraft SMP Season
    (season number): Episode 001 (episode 282). Anyway, you could tinker with
    that idea. Also, I think you should NOT use an amplified world type. One
    main concern of mine is for those who want to do the Hermicraft world tours
    who cannot since they don’t have a good enough computer. Also, in some
    cases, it would be unplayable for most players, considering what you said
    about people generating new terrain constantly. Anyway, that’s just
    my perspective. Hopefully this is helpful! :)

  3. Cyros Ignika Says:

    Also, one other thing.
    Keep the episode number, I absolutely love that, but change the thumbnail.
    I really love your current thumbnail design, but a new one could server you
    well. ;-)

  4. SimplySarc Says:

    Echoing others in the comments, you can get a good balance between
    ‘regular’ & ‘amplified’ terrain if you just play around with the customized
    settings. For instance, lowering height stretch or raising biome scale will
    produce tall terrain that’s meant to be tall (mountains, jungle hills,
    forest hills, etc…) whilst retaining the gentle areas. I reckon that’s
    the best way to go about it.

  5. Big Ben Says:

    Will the world download be in creative too?

  6. akumabito2008 Says:

    I for one am looking forward to the new season on amplified terrain! It
    adds so much to the challenge of starting out! Plus, when you guys reach
    end-game tech, think of how awesome you could build pathways between
    mountains, etc. Hell, use slime block player launchers to get around! Make
    it awesome!

  7. Minecraftboomguy Says:

    If i plaid amplefied, i would build a base into a mountain.

  8. SingleStar Says:

    DO AMPLIFIED, If you do, you will have more creative builds, sticking with
    regular worlds is boring, it would really make the series more interesting
    if it was amplified. Also, you could just take the idea from Mumbo for
    EnderLympics to get around quicker (Also bridges :P)

  9. woodrunner Says:

    ender pearls are quite usefull fo rmoving arround and you have a fr*king
    enderman farm

  10. Cacteez Says:

    What exactly is amplified?

  11. Arthur MacNerd Says:

    why don’t you guys search a seed with huge mountain but also flat, open

  12. ThatUnproGamer Says:

    I have mixed feelings about amplified terrain. :P
    I think it would look cool, and it would be different from this season, but
    like you said in the video it will be really difficult to do some things in
    amplified terrain that wouldn’t be as difficult in default terrain. 

  13. xisumavoid Says:

    Are you ready for an explosive end to the season? (Almost the end :-P)

  14. Hope Says:

    I hate watching people play on amplified terrain. I understand it’s more
    challenging/entertaining and all, but I like watching episodes where things
    get done. In such a tough environment, it would take people way too long to
    finish a decent sized project in a reasonable amount of episodes. Plus
    things start to get laggy which makes for bad video quality… Maybe it’d
    be okay if there was a designated area of the map that you rendered as
    amplified (not sure if you can do that with the new world customization
    options, but I know you can edit the files to do that, render new areas,
    and then change the files back) but still have plenty of flat areas. That
    way you can still do those unique projects but also have a normal,
    productive world.

  15. MsToshi1990 Says:

    I think one main concern would really be the performance issues. The
    amplified terrain is a huge FPS impact even on very nice PC’s. I look
    forward to an amplified season though. Its really something different.

  16. Sasha P. Says:

    X, I really don’t want you to play on amplified, this server is so amazing.
    In amplified it most definitely won’t be possible to top this.

  17. FalseSymmetry Says:

    Awesome Episode guys! Glad you like my thumbnail designs :)
    Look forward to the new map! :3

  18. Grand Master Flash Says:

    If you press shift when you hit a slime block, you won’t bounce at all

  19. FireBoy04 Says:

    what is amplified terrain?

  20. DeltaGamer Says:

    How much RAM does the server have?

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