Hermitcraft II 163 Trading Time!

Hermitcraft II 163 Trading Time!Hermitcraft II Playlist â-» http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKiL51GPEbeRajHdVg_afvIn This episode we take a break from the digging and start tra…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Sep 18th, 2013

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft II 163 Trading Time!”

  1. fabtob1 Says:

    Ive built a semi automatic willager starion disign on my channel for xisuma please like this so checks it out :-)

  2. Matija Popovic Says:

    4 diamonds for an emerald first trade is good do it

  3. PixelTech01 Says:

    XISUMA Vlog please

  4. caseykid08 Says:

    If you placed a fencepost under each ceiling chest would it take away the “glitchyness” when walking over it?

  5. Levi H Says:

    Lol apparently the villagers will stop breeding with the player 11:05

  6. It Is irenidai! Says:

    naww keralis sending kisses in chat 14:30

  7. silly shania Says:

    What is

  8. InfestedZombieMC Says:

    You should be able to suffocate villagers right there in the room without any consequences. No need to build a long rail system to take them away.

  9. Juan de Bruin Says:

    How did you get the villagers there?

  10. ifiwasyouiwouldntbe Says:

    The way the perfect villager trading works is all about the last slot. The last trade the Villager has resets all the previous trades including itself. Hence you can trade it infinitely, after it locks you wait a few seconds and the villager gives off the potions effect and the trade unlocks again. You should look for a meat, wheat or paper trade in the last slot as they are easy to gather. Then you just need a few villagers with good diamond tools/armour/weapons trades and profit.

  11. Tesgnat Says:

    Its Awsome when you get diomind on first ! dont kill! 3:40

  12. MikelTAl Says:

    Great Success :P

  13. silly shania Says:

    Hi xisuma. Can u please show us how your melon and pumpkin farm automatictly fires and they go down into a chest like on the hermit town because i dont wanna just go upto it and press the button

  14. der51106 Says:

    docm even says you want your diamond trade early on that way its out of the way and it doesnt take as much to lvl the villager again. i agree try it.

  15. 40madlycold Says:

    He doesn’t have X-ray

  16. Bowlcake Says:

    Nice video Xisuma, it’s amazing how quickly you’re clearing that desert! Don’t burn yourself out though. c:

  17. TheFilleryd Says:

    Best thing to know when you try to find a perfect villager is to look at the trade page on the wiki. Try then to find a villager with the worst trade (gold for emeralds or diamonds for emeralds etc..). When you got one of those you will be less likely to spend you hard earned gold or diamonds to unlock further trades.

    And for the trading always do just one at the time if it isn’t a good trade for emeralds :) If you want more help docm, panda or jl can guide you :)

  18. Dax Idol Says:

    Basically, each villager had a maximum amount of trades, each time you trade with a villager in the last trade they have you can potentially unlock another of their trades and reset the villager for more trading. If the last possible trade a villager can unlock is a desirable one (for example on a librarian the 8th trade is paper, as they have 8 possible trades) then each time you max out the last trade, it will just reset a paper trade, allowing you to continue just trading paper with them.

  19. ronocgem Says:

    X. have you considered making a trench all the way around the “jungle” temple leading into the drop trap? all it would mean is a slight modification of the entrance and digging a trench with some water. :)

  20. Zacherino1 Says:

    Fuck :/

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