Hermitcraft 113 Three Withers /w Red3yz

Hermitcraft 113 Three Withers /w Red3yzThis episode me and red3yz meet up on the server to take on 3 wither bosses. Looking for more Hermitcraft? ▏ Playlist bit.ly ▏ Hermits Play bit.ly ▏ Other Hermits www.reddit.com Talk to me on Facebook & Twitter ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me Want to support the channel? ▏ Subscribe bit.ly ▏ Donate bit.ly Music Artist: Jotun Song: Sailing Clouds Of Night Song: A Quest ▏ Website: www.youtube.com Hermitcraft is hosted by cubedhost.org Use gift-code “generikb” for 20% discount on first purchase.

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Feb 19th, 2013

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft 113 Three Withers /w Red3yz”

  1. Exspee Says:

    Haha! Been waiting for this for a long time. Can’t wait to see what you do with the beacon! I know you will come up with a great design for the beacon! And that’s so nice of Redeyz to do that!

  2. David Mc Says:

    Epic battles!!!!

  3. KingdomDestin Says:

    In a recent patch they lowered the effectiveness of the protection enchant, but the projectile and blast stayed the same. If you fight the wither again. It would be easier on you if you had maxed out blast protection. Zisteau did a video testing that out at some point. just thought i would help.

  4. icepyrox Says:

    Why do I almost feel like you guys were lucky you didn’t die instantly standing so close to the initial blast :P Also, the wither doesn’t do any fire damage that I know of and blast protection plus unbreaking on diamond armor ftw.

  5. butachanvr6 Says:

    yes, using silk touch

  6. MopedOfJustice Says:

    fire resistance? why?

  7. DuckGamingTV22 Says:

    Haha your laugh 8:53

  8. turbotonic27 Says:

    invisibility with armor on……very clever

  9. SSJ22Terris Says:

    ooh! Avalon gets a Beacon!! or your nether pyramid. In fact, why doesn’t the nether hub have a beacon?

  10. geert111223 Says:

    You can pick it up complete with a silk touch enchant
    Or you can break it without silk touch and you will get the obsidian back!

  11. DarkHattyGames Says:

    Xisuma I know you mentioned it last episode so it seems kinda pointless now but you said you have a little area of the island that you have no plans for. Well why not make an achievement shrine to put memories into item frames in? You know say someone pranks you then you put an item in the frame to remind you of that prank and then along the line we can see it build up :D

  12. CrAcKeRJaCkMoNsTeR3 Says:

    Xisuma will you ever do a custom wad for Doom?

  13. Radignostic Says:

    y u no bring milk??
    it’s not very effective in battle, but it’s refreshing after.

  14. michael sturt Says:

    “I don’t like spending diamonds” yet you have a full stack of blocks…..

  15. xJoey2213x Says:

    a new feature implemented in 1,5…
    Heritcraft plays on the snapshots so they have all the current features of 1.5
    if you want it just google search Minecraft Snapshot

  16. AaronIsReallyCool Says:

    Hey xisuma, why is the “22” in the link to the last mythbusting episode upsidedown in the picture?

  17. Alsitheelad Says:

    “i have just finished fighting sum wivvers”

  18. 5775Hi Says:

    Yay hermitcraft

  19. njpc99 Says:

    wheres the FTB?:D

  20. ProdigyDH Says:

    is it possible to pick up an ender chest?

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