Hermitcraft 101 Hopper Ideas

Hermitcraft 101 Hopper Ideasbit.ly | Get notified of all my uploads In this episode we play around with the new hoppers! ————————————– Hermitcraft Members ▏ www.reddit.com ————————————– Want to support my channel? ▏ Subscribe bit.ly ▏ Donate bit.ly ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me ▏ Livestream bit.ly ▏ Texturepack bit.ly ————————————— Music Artist: Jotun Song: Sailing Clouds Of Night Website: www.youtube.com Hermitcraft is hosted by cubedhost.org Use gift-code “generikb” for 20% discount on first purchase.

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jan 22nd, 2013

20 Responses to “Hermitcraft 101 Hopper Ideas”

  1. BuzLuck Says:

    Cry about it, not cri abut et!

  2. turbotonic27 Says:

    when you branch mine, how far do you go ?

  3. ChroniquesDeReadDick Says:

    you’re a zizidunay, not a ziziducul

  4. Brendt Zipron Says:

    I don’t know if you know, but there are way smaller automated dispenser designs =) posted one as a video respons

  5. Tolux303 Says:

    Nice vid! As a side note, it would be nice if you said something like “Thumbs up” or “Like” in the end of the video. I tend to forget to give you the “thumbs up” you deserve after watching..

  6. teytoteyto311 Says:

    The problem is that you are using an iPhone.

  7. Potatomore Says:

    i understand the concept of it but when you actually try to apply it in a practical setting a large amount of chicken gets burned up in the lava, even if you use the half slab trick

  8. TanEnTing Says:

    I can’t watch! It says no stream, I’m on iPhone anyone help?

  9. Jonathan Mast Says:

    It is Comp er rate or

  10. GamePhysics Says:

    But that doesn’t matter you see, if you stack up a lot of “seeder” chickens you can collect 9 stacks off eggs really fast, and then the farm automatically waits 20 minutes to they are grown up, then they slaughter approximately 16-17 chickens, which will keep you stocked up most likely.. Then you would also be able to make more of these farms and hook them up together so you would get higher rates if you so desire.. Hopefully I explained why chicken is now the best food in minecraft.

  11. jackflashmid Says:

    use etho’s timer!

  12. GamePhysics Says:

    melons you can automate, but it yields less and you have to keep eating more often. Potatoes or carrots can not be automatically farmed. So chicken is the best.

  13. GamePhysics Says:

    Bread also requires wheat which you have to MANUALLY plant. So it’s not automatic.

  14. GamePhysics Says:

    Nope, there are tricks to make it 100% efficient, with absolutely no loss. And it may be a bitch to set up, but once it’s finished you have unlimited good food in your world.. just go by a chest to check when you need some food. How would that not be practical?

  15. james jefferson Says:

    your shovel is a stick figure hahahaha

  16. cyphre117 Says:

    Watching Xiuma while playing classical guitar in the background is my new favourite thing.
    Try it now!

  17. richard mitchell Says:

    ok thanks.

  18. Brendt Zipron Says:

    Hi, I’m a new sub =)

  19. Cypress Centered Says:

    Hey guys the second enderpearl disposal thing had a beat from this song intro of we are young by fun

  20. RandomMoleHill Says:

    Dear xisuma,

    imagine yourself dying in there walking through the drop area. your stuff wil get dispenced into the void. I definetly think using a chest is was safer, easier and overal smarter =)

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