Hardcore Minecraft #38 – REDSTONE BLUEPRINTS

Hardcore Minecraft #38 - REDSTONE BLUEPRINTSMissed an episode of this series? Click the link to view all the episodes of HARDCORE MINECRAFT – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOiuDNGlpBg&index=2&list=…

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Filed under BrenyBeast : Comments (20) : Feb 1st, 2015

20 Responses to “Hardcore Minecraft #38 – REDSTONE BLUEPRINTS”

  1. charlie fielding Says:

    I like your idea of having the builds in different time periods I think you
    should have a timeline of builds on one road called timeline street or
    something clever like that if not you should just have a build for every
    time period or about ten or something MORE EXP 

  2. AngryBudgiez Says:

    this redstone is fucking with my head

  3. G Wal Says:

    i just saw your comment on linustechtips :D i too found the harry potter
    reference quite funny.

  4. luke silling Says:

    I got the same mouse as you two days ago. Love it. :)

  5. brandonrulz2541 Says:

    Happy Australia Day! :D

  6. Loovlyjoobly Says:

    I have like 6 exams in the next fortnight, but I’ll always have time for a
    cheeky Breny vid :)

  7. Max Hedebratt Says:

    You should write your Village name in huge letters like The Hollywood sign

  8. Emperor Comet Says:

    Chop all the dirt!

  9. Or1ginalNoob Says:

    The pig man farm might be better. It gives a ton of xp! 

  10. Nicholas Ginsberg Says:

    Breny you probably won’t read this but today I got bullied in school and
    seeing this vid come up and watching it really helped. You have always
    inspired me and i really hope you read this

  11. Yantraa Says:

    Can’t wait till this is done. And btw happy Australia Day

  12. Matthew Cettolin Says:

    Hi breny
    Ive got an idea for the storage of the potions as well as the system.
    The potions should each have a double chest each (so strength has 1, splash
    strength, strength 2, splash strength 2 etc.)
    The system (in the video) starts at the top left and goes down and around
    to end at the top right. If u want the storage work, start it at the bottom
    left, go to the top left, to the top right, and then down to the bottom
    It would look like this:
    |——| instead of | ^ |
    | ^ 》 | | |
    | ^ | | 》^ |
    | | |______|

  13. Luke Doctor Says:

    happy ‘Straya day!!!

  14. theonlyguitarperson Says:

    Hey Breny I just wanted to say thank you for a lot of your hard work and
    actual dedication. It really frustrates me when you tubers with 1million+
    mine crafters don’t put as close as amount of work as you! Been with you
    for like the past 2 years! Keep it going!

  15. ZXQaos Says:

    Does anyone else think (without any means of offence) that Breny is like
    the loudest YTer ever? :P

    +, Have we decided on the town’s name yet?

  16. m0nk3yman11010 Says:

    It’s like vikstars

  17. steven jones Says:

    Breny the mechanics for endermen are. when throwing an ender pearl here is
    a chance that an endermite will spawn. now endermen that spawn near an
    endermite will agro and try going for it. if you places it above a drop you
    can get them to fall as usual. Oh I forgot you should try making a pigman
    AFK XP farm.

  18. CrystalAced Says:

    Breny theres a new and much more efficient way to do enderfarms with
    endermites and such. Hermitcraft made one if i remember correctly. guys
    upvote so he can see this. it would make me cringe so bad if he made the
    useless old one

  19. Guanz Says:

    Your build is fucking confusing as, facecam would be legit though and also
    if you got into That I assume you would be recording with xsplit and
    recording both cameras and rendering them simultaneously rather than
    recording two video sources and merging them, if you ended up doing that
    then you could add your second monitor as a field so that you could flash
    to that when explaining things, would be baller af. Anyway gotta sleep lol
    happy straya day 

  20. Ikuto1231 Says:

    This is where I learn how redstone works.


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