Factorio 09 Blue Potions

Factorio 09 Blue PotionsDon’t forget to leave a like if you enjoyed this video! Help support the channel and Factorio :-) Factorio is a game about building complex machine arrays and managing resources. Its fun and very addictive, if your interested in the game check out the demo on there website or go one step further and back the development of the game. www.factorio.com Looking for more Factorio? ▏ Playlist bit.ly Talk to me on Facebook & Twitter ▏ Twitter bit.ly ▏ Facebook on.fb.me Want to support the channel? ▏ Subscribe bit.ly ▏ Donate bit.ly

Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Mar 4th, 2013

20 Responses to “Factorio 09 Blue Potions”

  1. vb2010helper Says:

    Where i can Buy this game?
    I only can find the Demo

  2. SergeantSeriousArmy Says:

    “Hermit craft.
    a private server only for invited for famous youtubers.
    not for dicks like you.
    dont ask for joining hermitcraft
    i saw 3 dudes being blocked because they asked.
    so shut the FUCK UP!”
    -I believe you are the dick here.

  3. Dylems Says:

    You need to make a donation, then you send an e-mail to them to tell them to send you a key.

  4. Dylems Says:

    loves* :troll:

    Iplay4you made us come to Xisuma ^^

  5. Icevin Tan Says:

    “The reason why this looks so messy is because it is” lol

  6. Arnaud Fontannaz Says:

    You would be a good architect

  7. SergeantSeriousArmy Says:

    Look who is talking. :)

  8. SoggyWaffles785 Says:

    I really just listen to this. It looks fun to play, not terribly fun to watch, the textures are kind of crude and it’s a bit hard to follow unless you’re actually playing it. Still a thumbs up for Xisuma-grade quality and commentary :)

  9. MrGODSVILLA Says:

    xisuma its good for the things to be backt up because itmeans that you stop mining and using electricity so i wouldnt worry about it

  10. alex22806 Says:

    quick tip for you xisuma, press alt. it shows what the assembly stations are making which may aid in your explanations. hope it helps :)

  11. refreshfr Says:

    xisuma, you could invert the order of the inserter crafters (from left to right: green x 2, purple x 2, blue x 2, yellow x 2) and simply invert the output/input transport belt at the top of these factories.

    This way, the ingredients will always go to the one that needs it in priority !
    Really simple modification but it should improve the efficiency !

  12. Baffalo9 Says:

    Technically you can, but it is extremely, incredibly and unbelievably unlikely.

  13. zerid0 Says:

    Hey Xisuma, I wanted you to know that the components that get stuck at the end of the video happens when you have U-turns. I discovered that in the official forum on the thread named “Big factory with classification yard” and it can be easily fixed by making bigger turns. (There is a picture at the end of the thread if I’m not clear)
    Also, I’m not sure if you know, but by pressing alt + L, you can display on each inventory/factory what they contain/produce. Very useful for youtube.

  14. ronalteo8989 Says:

    guys,let’s make multiplayer happen! go to the indiegogo campaign and start throwing at lease 500 at it!

  15. MrMCGamePlays Says:

    ha i won the biggest penis worldwide contest! its big enough it can touch the moon (thoug i dont like it, my dick keeps hitting stuff, so i cut it off, now i cut my dick each day because it grows fast so they use all the meat grown to make a bunch of fastfood and oil… this is all a lie so if you read all of it you’re really a reader and you deserve a reading stupid jokes in the internet trophy)

  16. MrMCGamePlays Says:

    hmmm whut?

  17. Mercedez K. Says:

    Checkout the agencies booth in the mall. It’s been visited by some goons!

  18. SergeantSeriousArmy Says:

    Well then.

  19. and121010 Says:

    I love factorio!

  20. MrGODSVILLA Says:

    there is an update to this game but dont get 0.2.9 get 0.2.8 because 0.2.9 is really buggy

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