Etho’s Modded Minecraft #22: Martha Stewart & Netherwart

Etho's Modded Minecraft #22: Martha Stewart & NetherwartMinecraft modded. In this Minecraft episode we finish building the library, show up Martha Stewart, make a netherwart farm, and go do some more Mystcraft exploration. Mod Pack Instructions…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Apr 15th, 2015

20 Responses to “Etho’s Modded Minecraft #22: Martha Stewart & Netherwart”

  1. Verlisify Says:

    I came up with something for the villagers to say
    “Hey Etho, what smells so good?” so he can repond with his ‘I farted’ joke
    from episodes ago. I’m a bit disappointed in myself since I’m not a fan of
    that humor since its a bit weird, but it works well in this case

  2. Jet Lag Says:

    I’d watch a whole episode of Etho decorating.

  3. Matt M Says:

    make bumbledore stand by his door, and when u walk near him, he says YOU

  4. Slifa Says:

    Here are some ideas for the NPC’s global chat:
    Etho who farted?
    Wheres the bathroom?
    Can I get your Autograph?
    Are we there yet?
    Is that the best you can do?
    No way, really?
    Im hungry
    Can I come
    Wanna be friends?
    Shhh I didnt steal it
    I didnt push him in the water
    I didnt push her in the water
    Can I have some
    You call that good?
    Knock Knock
    Your ME system just broke
    I hope that wasnt a creeper
    Thats not what Rock said
    When’s your face reveal
    Im so lonely
    Im bored
    I cant reach it
    I subscribed
    Wanna go fishng?

    -if you use any of mine will you say so if would make me so happy :)

  5. Andrew Bryk Says:

    Potential lines for Bumblemore. I imagine him as a cranky old man who only
    occasionally lets on that he really like Etho:

    “Many ambitious young wizards. Few ambitious old ones.”
    “A good wizard is like a clockmaker — scratch that, like a wheel of
    “I studied with the Great Azanor. Made a mean egg sandwich.”
    “Ah, my egg sandwich delivery? Oh, it’s you.”
    “Could I interrupt you for an egg sandwich? Bah, no of course not.”
    “Good that you want to learn. Better you came to me.”
    “I’ve researched Myst Realms filled with egg sandwiches. My white whale…”
    “So much talent, so little sense. Typical of your generation.”
    “Trying to replace me, eh? Those peasants don’t know how good they have it!”
    “Back again? Well, let’s get to it..”
    “Mark my words, when I croak they’ll have some whippersnapper sitting in my
    desk that day!”
    “What are you doing with that?!”
    “Mind yourself – these aren’t children’s storybooks.”
    “Such talent, wasted on the young…”
    “Ingenious fools up on the hill there. I’m most curious about their
    “Not much use for an old wizard, but to teach the young. A waste, if you
    ask me..”
    “No, no, no, let me see it.. there.”
    “You’re getting sloppy.”
    “Did someone tell you there’s no such thing as a stupid question? They
    “Proper wizard’s work, Etho! Er.. good job. Keep at it.”
    “Not now, can’t you see I’m eating?”
    “What’s this racket.. ah, you again. I’ll make some coffee.”
    “Don’t suppose you’ve ever found any egg sandwiches out in the Myst?”
    “Dropped my egg sandwich in the lake today – an utter waste.”
    “Questions, questions, questions.”
    “I used to think there were no bad questions. You’ve forced me to

  6. derp sauce Says:

    Etho ya know what a cool alternate to a quarry is? A mining town it would
    be really cool if you had a town gather resources for you (having villagers
    mine for you and using minecarts to move things) and if you need more ores
    you could set up a high technicaaaal control center for the most smarticle
    scientists to manage large scale mining operations

  7. Nick Hartman Says:

    Whenever it starts raining, Bumblemore could say, “What is this…the
    Mindcrack server?”

  8. The Great XPGS Says:

    Takes Etho 300 Episodes Plus To Build A Library In Vanilla
    Takes Etho 2 Episodes To Build One In Modded

  9. Jake Higdon Says:

    Etho! Nether portals don’t light in Mystcraft worlds, but you can use the
    /tpx command to teleport yourself to dimension 0 (the overworld). Also,
    Bumblemore sounds a lot like Fumblemore…

  10. Erik Arustamyan Says:

    anyone else notice those random 5 arrows in the ME system but he doesn’t
    even have a bow
    and how come the picture was only the 4 of you guys and no one else is it
    because you are the 4 men? but even then u don’t really play with gennerikB

  11. Stormzicecream Says:

    Bumblemore should say: ”You’re a wizard, Etho!”

  12. EthosLab Says:
  13. Brian Beggan Says:

    Etho please make npcs of mindcrackers (an ex-mindcrackers) and give them
    one liner catch phrases

  14. Levi Campbell Says:

    Hey Etho! I would highly recommend that you get into Galaticraft. I hear
    they have something to where you can travel to all sorts of different
    planets and such. If you have Witchery in your pack, that could be a lot of
    fun too!

  15. tristan welsh Says:

    Rock NEEDS to complain about his creeper punching addiction, and how etho
    won’t let him punch them anymore. XD Also, Denny should make a ton of b
    team references, only its the D-Team. It would be kinda funny to make….
    what was it April? the brewer? Make her a total drunk XD.

  16. TheJuggornauter || Road to 100 subs! Says:

    Bumblemore could say “knowledge is power” 

  17. minerX227 Says:

    “Behind every book there is a umm, ahh, uhh, never mind”


  18. Natan Tan Says:

    Why Does Etho Always Leave The Word “Gullible” In The Description?

  19. Zach B Says:

    Bumbledore should say “Overdue books Etho!”

  20. Kao Cletus Says:

    That’s not true, I’ve been stuck in a mystcraft world, under EVERY
    mystcraft world is a small “rift” that leads back to the overworld. They
    are kind of hard to find, but if you get lucky it will be right under your
    spawn in the mystcraft world. Google it. I’m telling the truth.

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