Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 324: Mushroom Swamp

Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 324: Mushroom SwampToday we work at redesigning the intersection in the man-cave by my lab. Twitter: TwitchTV: …

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Feb 16th, 2014

20 Responses to “Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 324: Mushroom Swamp”

  1. Gumbi001Vids Says:

    1:35 halflife 3 confirmed??

  2. Jesse Ketola Says:

    Could you do a room setup / house look if you know what i mean :)

  3. MCTimTime Says:

    Dear etho, have there been many projects that you have given up on half
    way.mfor example I haven’t seen emerald city for a while, but you have made
    a new village. 

  4. Christian Friedmann Says:

    i think that if wilson dies you should get the stuff back that you gave him
    for e.x. the steak

  5. TimMinecraftMassacre Says:

    And there were also multiple meese.

  6. Rick Van Den Nieuwendijk Says:

    Etho, what slab do you think must come in the game i thought about a dirt
    slab greetings from Holland ps keep up the good work

  7. blazblad Says:

    Etho, which Seinfeld character could you best compare yourself to, and why?

  8. Coldguy03 Says:

    Remind me not to go to family events again, so I don’t end up as sick as

  9. Macbury18 Says:

    You forgot the part where you rode a moose home afterwards.

  10. Bloq Says:

    I don’t think the colour of the wood looks nice. Maybe try dark oak or
    spruce slabs. Also, I still think the wall behind the waterfall could do
    with some work :P Oh, and leaves coming from the ceiling *might* look cool.

  11. David Nikololvski Says:

    etho you should go on an adventure to find a mushroom island

  12. ZeVaughn Says:

    you broke some redstone in Ethos lab while making a waterfall, you
    destroyed a stone brick with one piece of redstone dust…I’m sure you read
    this already 20 times, but I’m still gonna type it, better safe than sorry

  13. James76931 - Minecraft Videos Says:

    Can you refill the nether portal lava creeper fireball eye thing? (I didn’t
    know what to call it. :P)

  14. Hollandblauweboy Says:

    Etho, you must be so strong! Weren’t you afraid when you were fighting that
    grizzly bear? You are the bravest Canadian ever!

  15. JustDovisMc Says:

    Hey Etho, I think you should write a lot of books that says something and
    make a contraption that despenses those books randomly from Vilson, Or even
    somehow make those dialogs based of his feelings. Thanks for those awesome
    videos because they inspire to make my own :)

  16. nhpkm1 Says:

    Etho!! u said to protecket the wireing but you brock it at 17:08

  17. DARK1BCCD Says:

    01:34 “He’s at like half life right now” His hunger is at 3.

    Half life 3 CONFIRMED!

  18. TeamSkippKowal Says:

    dat story xD

  19. ExGamer968 Says:

    Etho is a genius :D

  20. mao debo Says:

    Etho you can use that brown grass for create a Autumn section with trees
    (that have brown leaves), brown carpets ecc..! All this listening
    ‘September-Earth,wind and fire’

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