Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 308: Snowball Fountain

Etho Plays Minecraft - Episode 308: Snowball FountainToday we add in a few new things to the man cave, including 2 fancy snowball fountains. Twitter: TwitchTV:…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Nov 30th, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho Plays Minecraft – Episode 308: Snowball Fountain”

  1. AskingZackyxXx Says:

    I think you should replace the ice on the snow flake with the new packed
    ice and see what that looks like.

  2. xXGamePlaysMCXx Says:

    Etho change sarias song into zeldas lullaby then when you go backwards it
    plays the skyward sword theme!

  3. keith boylin Says:

    Saw the thumbnail and thought the creeper was crying snowballs :(

  4. KerdelGaming Says:

    Hey etho I was wondering were you learned all your redstoning from thanks

  5. Lots o Sheeps Says:

    I did a similar thing to this but with chicken eggs and lava :P I had about
    300 chickens in a 1×1 hole with a hopper underneath that shot the eggs…
    But too many chickens spawned from the machine and it lagged the server to

  6. Erto Ertovič Says:

    Hey Etho ,I have one question,when will be next season of Ultra
    hardcore? I really like this videos and you! thanx for the answer.

  7. Aidan Connolly Says:

    Do this on the mindcrack server, Etho!

  8. realtimemodz Says:

    hey etho this is an idea. We’re you want the bridge to criss cross make it
    a spiral type staircase down to the walkway that covers the whole path and
    make a secret way to open the bottom of the stairs to get to the lower

  9. icearrow43 Says:

    If he did the song of healing instead of saria’s song on the rail he could
    try to summon ben!

  10. garmo1968 Says:

    maybe it’s just be but i don’t like it when noteblocks are a gaint mess all
    over a gaint area, and when i make my songs i try to make them as small and
    condensed as possible, using few noteblocks, along with clocks and timers.
    so i’m reactivating the same noteblocks multiple times. it’s a method that
    i would think you’d like as it’s more redstone complicated than laying the
    notes in series. my current big project is to replace these noteblocks with
    command blocks at the spawn, and play songs based on scoreboard values
    wherever you are in the world,

  11. TheCoper COper Says:

    God, how I’m tired of redstone.

  12. Lord Isak Says:

    What happend to the cave village?

  13. Chimpstree Says:

    Hey there everyone! I want to announce something. I’ve started my own
    Minecraft series.I do minecraft but i am concidering doing something else
    soon! My episodes have commentation,fun,adventure,crazy
    stuff,style,redstone,building and a lot more!! I want you to check me out
    and it would be nice if you’d gave me some feedback or something like that!
    Please understand that i’m a starter and i’m trying my best to raise my
    channel,so no hate folks! Thank your for your time and concideration :)

  14. logicalfundy Says:

    KerdalGaming: He self taught himself a long time ago. Basically, experience
    and experimentation. 

  15. Paperiolento Says:

    If You would Do This on mindcrack server someone would surely prank you by
    putting eggs inthe chests ;)

  16. Isaac Padilla Says:

    It almost looks like the creeper is crying

  17. acrosstheclouds Says:

    You should try to kill an enderdragon (or at least a wither if you wanna
    play leggit) with a bunch of powered named creepers, that could be a real

  18. GrizzlehhBear Says:

    Etho i think you should do more with music, i play music in my Lets play
    and my subscribers really seem to love it, i think having little tunes all
    throughout the mancave would be awesome :)

  19. Living2theMAS Says:

    Etho, what if you just hooked up the snowball fountain to a day/night
    sensor with a randomizer. That way you wouldn’t have to worry about the
    snowman escaping and it would still be random. Hope you see this, have a
    nice day :)

  20. Crake Says:

    Hey Etho:
    What’s the best wood to make a gold club out of?

    Taiga Wood.

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