Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 78: Charlotte’s Web

Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 78: Charlotte's WebMindCrack is a server Guude started in late 2010. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. Exploiting desperation, literary reference pranks, nitpicking bdoubleo, mob systems, and plans for a reaction speed game. BTC:

Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Feb 16th, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 78: Charlotte’s Web”

  1. TH3B0DYGUARD Says:

    Mind crack Harlem shake.

  2. ante1511 Says:

    Etho, 19:00 another to cut in half that amount again is to use a chest instead of a hopper every other block, hope this helps ;)

  3. H3nn15 Says:

    Sethbling created a stopwatch that should be fairly accurate…
    ofcourse you can’t get Command Blocks on Mindcrack.. you’ll have to connect the fast pulsing clock to the redstone lamps but it should work

  4. mohammed ALmajed Says:


  5. NiklasNik Niklas Says:

    Give wilbur a speed pot :)

  6. t2497 Says:

    “Harvest Me!” It’s a reference to the old episodes :P

  7. TheRuno123 Says:

    Etho, bdoubleO cant even take adventage of that deal… he have no iron either xD

  8. MrRRongen Says:

    you could use hopper timers and a comparator for the time for the game

  9. firebreathing16 Says:

    You could make the buttons wooden ones, and make it for reaction time to draw and fire fire an arrow at a particular one.

  10. Marvin Zapf Says:

    Locking Repeaters would be useful, like in JL2579’s and cubehamster’s stopwatch (;

  11. minecraftrubik Says:

    next snapshot: fixed pigs on slabs :P

  12. ZeWorkshop Says:

    Try the Hunger Games that is one of the best books I have ever read

  13. TheRuno123 Says:

    1) The hopper next to the chest cant pull the items out of it again when the hopper its facing up.
    2) The items that land on the chest wont get picked up.

  14. tannojr Says:

    Silk Touch is enchantment that you can get, this enchantment makes it so you can pick up blocks in their natural state. Such as: Diamond Ore, Redstone Ore, Stone blocks and of course spider webs.

  15. TheCSBarry Says:

    Did you read Of Mice And Men ?

  16. ArchusTech Says:

    10:42 NOT AGAIN D:

  17. Johannes Vahlkvist Says:

    just delete it :P

  18. ZEAT YT Says:

    no sub box :(

  19. xylozerosoul Says:

    etho some pig is a reference to the story where charolette writes some pig inher web next to wilbur

  20. ColurScheme Says:

    Thank god for 3g network ^^

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