Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 136: The Layout

Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 136: The LayoutToday check out some changes on the worker shack, start planning the layout for the pvp arena, and help zisteau out with a wither kill. MindCrack: http://www…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Dec 2nd, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 136: The Layout”

  1. James Galek Says:

    So the worker shack has been completed… except for the sides, the back,
    the roof, the gravel path, and the first two rooms you come across inside?

    Seems legit…

  2. XSnowShockX35 Says:

    E to the T to the H to the O your watching ETHO!

  3. Hackronaut Says:

    make parkour posibbilities

  4. whizzerZero . Says:

    Who’s willing to bet the worker shack shows up in Ruins of the Mindcrackers

  5. shay pearson Says:

    Put beds on the top floor

  6. Raja Pascua Says:

    ETHO you should do a tutorial on how to build the awesome house!:D

  7. tkm2210 Says:

    Etho, almost all Capture and hold games have a capture point at each spawn,
    so that the whole point is you kind of take over the other person’s base to
    win. I feel like the capture points are too close together, one needs to be
    closer to each spawning side of the teams. I’m sure it would be fun either
    way though, and I’m sure you will make it work! :P

  8. GRIZ Templar Says:

    Etho, you should be able to place/break sand so you can have underground
    tunnels that cave in, like sand with some string and you break the string
    and block the hall. people could only have a certain amount of sand like
    maybe a half stack

  9. Fionntan Maguire Says:

    Etho u should make a leaderboard for kills


  10. Verlisify Says:


  11. GamingIceCube Says:

    Etho what other minecraft stars play on mindcrack server

  12. SMinc Says:

    Use Sethblings Mindcrack message board for your
    Info board!

  13. aetherX Says:

    2 videos? You’re spoiling us, Etho! I love you <3

  14. GreenMilkGeezer Says:

    Lol, look at the URL for this video.

  15. Prismafy Says:

    Great episode etho

  16. nismo96 Says:

    on the 2nd floor of the work shack make relaxation zone with bar coaches
    jukebox …

  17. MinecraftJojofapas Says:

    Etho make a need to do board for the PVP map on the top floor!! Like so he
    can see!!!!?

  18. bartendersd Says:

    So thats what Zisteau was saying…

  19. Egil Furnes Says:

    Make winnertrophies on 2nd floor :D

  20. Puri Sareerasad Says:

    PINK OR PURPLE CARPET!! Make it Fabulous ;)

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