Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 132: Capture Points

Etho MindCrack SMP - Episode 132: Capture PointsToday we do a quick tour of a few changes that have occurred around spawn. Then we head out to Ethopia to begin construction on a capture point style PvP gam…

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Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Nov 14th, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack SMP – Episode 132: Capture Points”

  1. holyelisha Says:

    Etho, what do you think about bob? (The guy trying to overrun youtube to
    change the comments back)

  2. MrCrownedClown Says:

    Two ideas: Place the lamps on opposite sides to each other, the (blue)
    teams lamp on the (red) team side and the other way around, because that is
    the way the players will be looking, and put them in the ground.
    The other idea is that you use the message boards (in the neather hub and
    the main building) to write on it what thing have to be done (Example:
    class system, 1 Building on capture point, walls …), becaue not everybody
    watches all the videos, and of curse write to them on skype or so.

  3. saif aljaafari Says:

    etho!!!!!! 15:32

  4. dreadlockraphsta Says:

    Yo etho, try using notch apples to aid in your battle with the wither, I
    haven’t seen anyone do this but I think it’ll be a cool addition to the
    underwater fight you’ve got planned :-)

  5. Tevqoon Says:

    ░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bob is building an army.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/︻╦╤─ This tank & Bob are against Google+
    Il███████████████████]. /▌ Copy and Paste this all over
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. / \ YouTube if you are with us

  6. grennyfell97 Says:

    A couple of you guys should make a hunger games arena on the server with a
    big glass dome and do pvp in that. Each time a person not playing should be
    called the host and hide a heap of chests full of goodies (swords, armour,
    food, bows, arrows)

  7. Jason Last Says:

    ҂._.) People of YouTube we must get the old comment
    <,︻╦╤─ Back Grab a weapon and copy and paste this /””””””””””””\======= ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─ /”””””””””””””””””””\ ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─ ,︻╦╤─

  8. Felipe BN Says:

    what was that in the ground/carpet? 5:32

  9. francis madden Says:

    23:00 they should add a backpack to the game like in don’t starve
    P.S please do a ‘don’t starve’ series again

  10. George Fielding Says:

    Place different colour wool around the lamps, so people can differentiate
    to which team they are on

  11. slevin Kedevra Says:

    Etho i would suggest you use the iron or gold pressure plates, wich can
    track the number of players standing on them. so you only need one pressure
    plate or make the system more accurate.

  12. OMGkitty13 Says:

    If you fight a wither underwater don’t forget you can make Waterbreathing
    potions out of puffer fish now ;D

  13. RaW TalenT Says:

    Just an idea but maybe you should use wood for one team and stone for
    another team so they don’t get confused

  14. Karim Irany Says:

    ░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ Bob is building an army.
    ▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ☻/︻╦╤─ This tank & Bob are against Google+
    Il███████████████████]. /▌ Copy and Paste this all over
    ◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤.. / \ YouTube if you are with us

  15. Kalj121 Says:

    Etho get Fire Aspect on the Cow Tipper to auto-cook the beef. It was
    changed a little while back to apply the fire before the damage and giving
    the cooked drops

  16. Patrick Shannon Says:

    Q:How many ender pearls does it take to get a 5-long redstone signal out of
    a comparator hooked up to a 9-space inventory?
    A: 42.


  17. Mickey M. Says:

    Why don you do it like the tf2 control point system have a look at some

    Like so he can see!

  18. Brad Rawlings Says:

    Maybe try and base your map on a new, modern style, considering how close
    it is to Ethiopia. Use the same style.

  19. Dominic Beach Says:

    What about using a windmill in the middle that separates the two sides over
    the river. You could put the capture point in there, means they will have
    to go upstairs which will lead to a good strategy and fighting situation.

  20. SmokeyTurtles Says:

    The splash potions of poison in the death games will poison the guys that
    step on the pressure plate!! Etho! :P

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