Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 19: Train Troubles

Etho MindCrack FTB - Episode 19: Train TroublesMindCrack FTB is a modded Minecraft server Guude has setup for the MindCrackers. It is a private (whitelisted) server. We are currently not accepting applications. Lot’s of problem solving today. I setup the train loading and unloading systems for transporting items from a quarry to a storage room. I did get it working after the episode ended using 5 carts trains, and it works better than I expected actually. FTB Mod Pack Info:

Filed under EthosLab : Comments (20) : Jan 28th, 2013

20 Responses to “Etho MindCrack FTB – Episode 19: Train Troubles”

  1. promachacker Says:

    Etho dont use elevator tracks. Sometimes just a simple setup hill is best

  2. atanasetkov Says:

    With the elevator track going down, put the booster rail one block down, that should work

  3. William Squilliam Says:

    you should make a mining cart with steve’s carts instead of a quarry to make the rails a million times easier to make for it

  4. omegahunter9 Says:

    A saying I can quote from Etho whenever I need to.

    Etho: Deal with it.


  5. Bradacuss Says:

    Why don’t you just use the normal elevator rails on the right and a simple spiral on the left for less problems? Its would look awesome anyway, you should do it

  6. Jordan Kotwica Says:

    One way tracks, make some

  7. Matto33gaming Says:

    Use pistons at bottom of unpowered ladder rail

  8. MrBlame33 Says:

    Use train craft instead

  9. Luka Butcher Says:

    LOL run away train

  10. flaminggiraffe618 Says:


  11. DrElectricity Says:

    Dear Etho, if you don’t want to lose the drones from the pipes and not to spoil the looks of your lab ask someone who has done some research with thaumcraft to give you some wooden golems. They will pick up things from the floor and put them on a chest, plus they will look like little lab assistants !!!

  12. Charlie G Says:

    Woa. You put so much time into your vids. Thanx etho

  13. فهد الدهيش Says:

    Hd videos plz

  14. Parrotboy121 Says:

    left side of the track is not weird to us aussies!

  15. Bellphoron Says:

    I think railcraft spot loaders would be great cause they shout only load the chunks of the tracks

  16. Dxbabdulla Says:

    Etho use the wooden golems from thaumcraft to pick up the extra drones that fall on the ground :D

  17. kingofdafunk Says:

    This is exactly what I was going to say

  18. ZummarstylE Says:

    hey Etho where is the MindCrack 4 days since last episode

  19. Jacco Goris Says:

    Etho, most trains ride on the left side of the road. it’s more genuine that way!

  20. MrBlame33 Says:

    You’re driving on the correct side of the road

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