Enable Player Head Drops Minecraft 1.8 Tutorial

Enable Player Head Drops Minecraft 1.8 TutorialMinecraft Tutorial Playlist â-» http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEB388783144C45A8 This video will show you how to build a contraption that drops a players head when they are killed by…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Dec 11th, 2014

20 Responses to “Enable Player Head Drops Minecraft 1.8 Tutorial”

  1. MusicalHB Says:

    +xisumavoid is there no way to have one command block check for all

  2. Eduardo Menges Mattje Says:

    How did you make the heads spin around themselves on the side of the
    command blocks? 

  3. darksskull Says:

    So how does one get into the hermit craft server?

  4. Admiral Sbs Says:

    It’s kinda stupid that the only way to test for when a player has killed
    you is by using teams. But I think I have a way around it, please correct
    me if I am wrong.

    /scoreboard objectives add death deathCount

    /scoreboard objectives add kill stat.playerKills

    20 Tick Clock-
    /scoreboard players set @a[score_death_min=1,score_kill_min=1] death 0

    /execute @a[score_kill_min=1]~ ~ ~ /execute @p[score_death_min=1]~ ~ ~
    /summon Item ~ ~ ~ {Item:{id:minecraft:skull,Damage:3,Count

    /scoreboard players set @a[score_death_min=1] death 0

    /scoreboard players set @a[score_kill_min=1] kill 0

  5. xisumavoid Says:

    You asked for it! Now we reveal the magic behind the player head drops on

  6. Snocrash Says:

    I love a good head choo-choorial – well done X & +EeaseMaps !

  7. NLyoutubeStation Studio's - simpele videos kunnen het verschil maken! Says:

    sorry if i sound noob but how do you let the player heads turn? :)

  8. Archibald Kastanjeboomhut Says:

    All those command blocks on HermitCraft probably cause the lag.

  9. Shay Barsanti Says:

    Xisuma, you should try contact Mojang and ask for a tag to let you select
    who’s skull it is without using their names. Like {SkullOwner:@p} or

  10. Isaac Taylor Says:

    GG Xisuma. When I saw this feature in the video on hermitcraft a few weeks
    ago I thought “that is so cool” and I decided to make my own version (which
    I posted about in the hermitcraft G+ community). I knew you and Eease would
    come up with something that I didn’t even think of (teams thing) and make
    It more compact then I ever could!
    Great work, keep it up and CONGRATZ on 3K subs.

    P.S. i’ll include a link to my design if anyone cares about it.

  11. Digital Salt Says:

    Could you add a timer or randomizer of some kind to make it random whether
    you you get the head or not so it isn’t a 100% “drop” ?

  12. ImPanzerr | Minecraft Videos! Says:

    so my server has been “weird” i would say

    the spawn chunks are not always loaded does anyone else have this problem?
    this has been going on since the server started, any ideas?
    is there a command i can do? a server setting? please help :(

  13. WizardXZD Says:

    A name for every player?
    Dang it.
    Also, +MC Labs15 made this almost exact thing in ~1.7(?)

  14. ACtennisAC Says:

    Congrats for 300K bud!!

  15. Lau Hoi Lei Sabrina Says:

    WE. NEED. THIS. :D

  16. Slimester LP Says:

    Awh you killed Mumbo for the heads at your rhumbnail!! ;( XD

  17. Sqrtdude Says:

    Very smart of you to add that failsafe, without it you might be getting
    ahead of himself.


  18. Deshiba Says:

    I am wondering, is it possible to detect if a player is killed by a special
    kind of mob? Because on some servers PK’ing would be an issue and suicide
    would be too easy. But say, getting a player head while blown up by a
    charged creeper would be ideal, as you’d have to get one, then blow players
    up with it, both will require more work then you would casually do.

  19. rashkavar Says:

    Oh cool. Silly single-player-exclusive me, thinking that was an ordinary
    built-in game feature.

    So, is this, the Enderman-barrier, and the bed mechanism the sum total of
    Hermitcraft command blocks, or have you got other addons as well?

    Also, is there any point to the spawn chunks (other than iron farming)
    aside from setting up this sort of thing?

    I’ve looked through all the farming methods I know of, and they’re all
    reliant on either plant growth ticks (trees, crops – I think babies growing
    up needs this too), mob spawning, not fully automatic (obsidian), or have
    such a high output that you really want to have an off button (flower/dye
    farms). But then, this could be because I have a bias toward item farming
    rather than other things.

  20. SiberianHat Says:

    Nice system. It’d be awesome if you didn’t have to set a command for every
    player in the server, too sad we can’t do that (yet) /:

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