Eedze’s misadventures in minecraft 6: or more a lack of adventures

Eedze's misadventures in minecraft 6: or more a lack of adventuresI have been away for a long time. and I want to explain why. because you deserve to know what is going on. I’m not proud to confess my reasons but I hope you will understand and give me another chance. i will need some time to get ready to do video’s again but I’ll try to make my channel how it used to be again. and maybe even more awesome. I thank everyone for their support so far. and I hope you will give me another chance

Filed under eedze : Comments (20) : Nov 13th, 2012

20 Responses to “Eedze’s misadventures in minecraft 6: or more a lack of adventures”

  1. eedze Says:

    Hey Steve. reading back these comments, i remember all that i have missed for the last months

  2. ilikecraftingboats Says:

    It’s ok everyone needs a break because people get bored and I understand that I’m just happy it back

  3. adaz240 Says:

    Welcom back eedze

  4. bigDADDYeatyou Says:

    I’m so glad that I can final hear your voice again. I was worried something treble happened to you. so welcome back:D

  5. dak2217 Says:

    Welcome back Eedze!! Long time, no see. Or hear :)

  6. eedze Says:

    24th and 25th this month

  7. MultipleTraps Says:

    God you are back!!!! Love you vids man, hope i will see more from you soon :P.

  8. TheDragongodd Says:

    YESS EDEZE IS BACK that was a pretty long break which you did deserve

  9. dreans16 Says:

    He is back!!!!!

  10. dreans16 Says:

    Yeah right now i know exactly how you felt, i am really burnt out from video games in general :/

  11. m4j0rfr34k Says:


  12. dreans16 Says:

    Btw eedze do you have a skype?

  13. austin2121sgames Says:

    I understand how u felt eedze :D

  14. MegaCola111 Says:


  15. eedze Says:

    Thanks. i am so glad everyone responses are so positive

  16. JGMadness1 Says:


  17. FloydtheFlamingo Says:

    It’s all good everyone need breaks

  18. eedze Says:

    thanks man. really appreciate reading all of your comments.

  19. eedze Says:

    you deserve it. after being left in the dark for so long

  20. eedze Says:

    I’m glad I am back. and glad to see you are also still here

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