DayZ Training E03 “Headshots Count” (Hardcore Zombie Survival)

DayZ Training E03 Learning DayZ the hard way: solo, on-the-fly! Permanent death means I must consider every action carefully as the consequences could be fatal! ESRB Warning: This title is rated “M” for Mature Audiences DayZ: ARMA II: WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : May 30th, 2012

20 Responses to “DayZ Training E03 “Headshots Count” (Hardcore Zombie Survival)”

  1. MixeTube Says:


    I’m sorry I couldn’t resist :) The chance to take down the ultimate PaulsoaresJR!!!!!!!!!!

    I’ll be putting the video up within the next few hours here :D

  2. MrImmortalityPrince Says:

    So if i go for a vacation, 1 week maybe, my character will die to hunger and thirst even if i’m not logged in.

  3. dgeidel123 Says:


  4. Starcrow999 Says:

    Looking forward to the series on this one. And once they’ve fixed the jerky moves (climbing ladders etc), it will be even better.

  5. nightmotter Says:

    paul use the advantage of the house. zeds dont go fast in them

  6. MasterLittica Says:

    Yeah it looks like its going to be a must for zombie-survival fans, im going to get it thats for sure

  7. Sinius1000 Says:

    Because they are zombies, do you know the zombies on Minecraft? They are like, wasup or something like that.

  8. McLarenGeeZx Says:

    I like light role playing

  9. RedLeaderIV Says:

    thumbs up so everyone sees this, there is a game called class3 by undead labs that will be shown at E3, very similar premise, coming for XBLA

  10. hoohohohter Says:

    Your a True Survivor :D !!!!

  11. hoohohohter Says:

    Yea make a RP…That will be COOOOOL !

  12. alexd191923 Says:

    paul, what is your pc hardware?

  13. MasterLittica Says:

    Humans can be just as nasty as the Zeds… no Paul, Humans can be much worse! much, much worse lol

  14. Sinius1000 Says:

    Wow when I am bored and know that you had a DayZ that I saw and fought that was good, I go watch it again, and that puts me ready to roll and play a game again without getting bored for a long, long time!

  15. peterjack81 Says:

    hey paul heres some tips to help you survive. Firstly it is possible to swim however it does take a while and can drain your characters stats also when theres more than one zombie about as soon as you kill one of them immediately go prone so its harder for the zombies to spot you and lastly a lot of people travel to chernogorsk because of its size its directly south on the coast so its very easy to find

  16. Drake Cole Says:

    hey paul why do you call them zeds

  17. rotarypsi Says:

    Gear re-spawns, just have to find it first. This game goes pretty deep actually, for example, you can find tents, go into the woods and camp out, or put your tent on a tall buildings roof. You can refill your canteen, just not with sea water. You can hunt animals, as long as you have a knife, you can skin them, then make a campfire and cook them up, and it will fully restore your blood. You can rebuild buses, trucks, helicopters. Just a lot of content, really fun.

    Thumbs up for Paul.

  18. Sinius1000 Says:

    PS: Do it like Helgraf Frosthammer!

  19. zzrennis Says:

  20. Sinius1000 Says:

    For me a Rol Play isn’t bad… I mean I don’t like full roll play, that stinks, but if you will do a light roll play for me that’s not bad at all.

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