Craft the World | E22 | Brewing Beer and Tea!

Craft the World | E22 | Brewing Beer and Tea!Let’s play Craft the World! In this episode, our dwarves finally brew some of the beer and tea that’s always on their minds! Please leave a LIKE if you enjoyed the video! Thanks :) Steam…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Jun 27th, 2014

20 Responses to “Craft the World | E22 | Brewing Beer and Tea!”

  1. Sgt.MarcusGam3r Says:

    could you check me out

  2. Joseph Dunnigan Says:

    Paul do more craft the world please soon

  3. Radu Durlesteanu Says:

    If you want to take out the elf boss try to make lots of health potions and
    you can use them in the equip menu

  4. Cody Kin-Claw Says:

    15:40 “Dwarves are natural born Sprinters!” (Lord of the Rings Refrence)

  5. Red Cloak Says:

    I’ve been looking forward to this! It’s a shame this series is sort of a
    secondary as opposed to some of the other MC stuff..

    The MC content is great, but I look forward to this and Delver more than
    anything. Oh well, majority vote always wins I suppose. 

  6. Philip Kourkoulis Says:

    Those elf guys are very dangerous my dwarfs in silver and gold Armer were
    almost all wiped out we barely managed, not a good idea yet if I were you

  7. phong dao Says:

    What happened to punchwood island

  8. Zack R Says:

    Just a tip, the tea and beer can also be placed in tables so the dwarfs can
    drink when they feel thirsty! :)

  9. RedSt0neP0wered Says:

    Hey Paul,

    You should make a rail track underground to the new mine spot because you
    need iron and you have to finish that railway challenge anyways!

    Like so he can see!

  10. paulsoaresjr Says:
  11. Trenton Gordon Says:

    hey paul I got the minecraft essentials handbook and that stuff you wrote
    was funny.

  12. jack bachman Says:

    I just wana ask you something about minecrack since you are part of the
    team… not a lot of minecrackers are making vids on the server. is there
    a new minecrack server coming soon?

  13. unlimitedgamers360 Says:

    I really enjoyed watching cube world 

  14. Norman676 Says:

    Hep paul, i tell my dwarfs to go to sleep but they don’t do i need a bed
    for each dwarf?

  15. Eldorr Says:

    301st view.

  16. Lazureus Falcone Says:

    You definitely don’t play DF if you think a sand tower is exploitative.

  17. Manny Fluss Says:

    Pjs you should probably flatten the are around your shelter to be able to
    place more traps and make it easier for your dwarves to walk around

  18. J Lefkoff Says:

    Psj how do you get your dwarves to listen so well I tell mine to sleep and
    they ignore me

  19. arvincat Says:

    There should be AE in this game , the crafting is tedious.

    LOL :P

  20. Evergreen641 Says:

    Man. Those sand traps sound interesting. At least they would make watching
    golf a bit more interesting!

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