Cities Skylines – Ep.15 : The Stark Tower!

Cities Skylines - Ep.15 : The Stark Tower!Cities Skylines – Ep.15 : The Stark Tower! Don’t forget to leave a LIKE on this video for more! Subscribe for more! â-» â–‹ Missed an episode? Here is the playlist – http://go…

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Filed under Keralis : Comments (20) : Mar 22nd, 2015

20 Responses to “Cities Skylines – Ep.15 : The Stark Tower!”

  1. Ryan Cat Says:

    Hey Keralis, what computer do you use for gaming? I am planning on getting
    a good computer some time soon.

  2. Tai Murray Says:

    FIRST!☺ LOL!!!

  3. Keralis Says:

    Sorry I sound like Darth Vader in this episode, I got a sore throat. Hope
    you all enjoy some detail work in this episode! Thank you for the support
    and hope to see you tomorrow again if my throat gets better. :)

  4. Keralis Says:

    Crap, I have a cold and my throat is killing me. Not sure if I will be able
    to record anything for today but I hope some extra rest will do it. :(

  5. Anna Skoglund Says:

    Im happy now.

  6. Joe Swanson Says:

    Sycamore Square should be called Detroit

  7. THE HAM Says:

    name the industry district “Foggy Falls” i think that names sounds good on
    the tongue 

  8. Keralis Says:
  9. Adamsteven Putrus Says:

    You should call it = pollution hq

  10. Karim Karimous Says:

    Do the airport on the island, or put a high rise or a monument (ocean
    tower)like the burj al Arab in Dubai, with a bridge connecting with the
    city with bushes around…

  11. Apple.Sauce.Lemons Says:

    I don’t think he knows what morning wood is

  12. Twan Meijer Says:

    name: Evening Metal

  13. DGamer2020's Minecraft Channel Says:

    Name the industry district “Smokey Iceland”
    The reason is because it’s got so many smoke stacks and its surroundings
    are tons of greenery 

  14. WasserTipps Says:

    Name: Dumping Shit

  15. Quinwin Says:

    Make the bus lines stopping on the public transit hub rainbow colors from
    left to ride so when they are all standing next to each other on the hub
    they look like a rainbow :D

  16. TornadoMEG Says:

    Name the industrial area: Smokeypoo. 

  17. MCillern PvP Says:

    Call it Stockholms plattan

  18. lewis clarke Says:

    download tree brush mod

  19. KingCross753 Says:

    Name suggestions: -PoodyMinez
    -Waterpoo Diggers

  20. Eren Parla Says:

    Ends at 33:33 loominarty confirmed 

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