Castle Story Early Access – Survival Episode 2 – Start of a castle, kinda

Castle Story Early Access - Survival Episode 2 - Start of a castle, kindaD.

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Filed under WtfMinecraft : Comments (17) : Oct 12th, 2013

17 Responses to “Castle Story Early Access – Survival Episode 2 – Start of a castle, kinda”

  1. TheMiaMafia Says:

    Damn you Zeus !!!

  2. Eliel Ikonen Says:

    YOU MADE A VIDEO!!! Holy Shiet

  3. Sophie Latreille Says:

    is it normal if the game is lagy

  4. TheMiaMafia Says:

    6 and Plz post more often

  5. KiazerAU Says:

    Can you just make a 5 seconds video of you saying banana once?

  6. Sophie Latreille Says:

    how do i make the game less lagy

  7. ilmpperson Says:

    Make minecraft vids

  8. MarvellousMikeMan Says:

    what are ur gamin peripherals (keyboard, mouse etc)

  9. TheXenomorph6 Says:

    Most unsubscribed but i knew you would make more vids! :Ll

  10. AgonyVBlue Says:

    Omg yay yay yay yay yay a yay a hahahahahaahahahahhahahahahaahaahahahaaaahahahaahahahhahhaahahhahahahaahahahhahhhahaahhahaahjammxkxksolsslsls

  11. WtfMinecraft Says:

    sadly it is just because my computer is a piece of poo, the game usually runs pretty well

  12. MsDeathangel956 Says:

    Does that mean I can have it? Btw, where you in Sydney a few weeks ago? Like 2-3?

  13. WtfMinecraft Says:

    I don’t knooooow, I’m pretty fond of my banana

  14. MarvellousMikeMan Says:

    what’s ur current pc specs including gpu, and the specs of ur new one if u know what it is yet.

  15. MsDeathangel956 Says:

    john, can I have a banana?

  16. HydroApples Says:

    Dude John make archers

  17. RAFbatman Says:

    John your castle walls are built in an unstable configuration, if you build all the bricks lined up then taking out the bottom one causes the ones above it to fall down or in real life makes it unstable as well. if you want to build a stable wall you want them misaligned. this means that the weight of one brick is supported by the two beneath and destroying one support doesn’t collapse an entire pillar of wall. also if the game’s physics is realistic then it’ll be stronger too. like an alloy.

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