Brutal Doom 41 Die Xisuma Die

Brutal Doom 41 Die Xisuma DieLeave a like if you enjoyed the video! â-» Doom Playlist Links! â–‹ Twitter â–‹ Facebook…

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Filed under xisumavoid : Comments (20) : Jul 24th, 2014

20 Responses to “Brutal Doom 41 Die Xisuma Die”

  1. HobbitCraftGaming Says:

    Why don’t you do a secret run? Just take your time through each level and
    try and find all the secrets.

  2. ALEX TIBAS Says:

    I am not a big fan of the game, but the fact that you really enjoy playing
    it make me feel good too ;-)

  3. Ripper Roo Says:

    Will you maybe play the new doom when it comes out?

  4. TheSnocrash Says:

    “This shotgun is sweat!”, as chunks of meat drop down from the ceiling. I
    can’t see someone maintaining a PG rated decorum while playing this.

  5. thenaonao TNN Says:

    4:44 ahh lol :/ (-_\)
    5:25 good you using strafe40
    10:05 not a baron of hell but a hell knigh :3

  6. Official GreenConsole Says:

    Do you know Quake? 

  7. TheWarhammer Says:

    Well, I enjoyed it while it lasted.

  8. _Icarus1_ Says:

    Brings me back to my younger years…loved Doom…funny to see how games
    have progressed over the years…real cool

  9. akumabito2008 Says:

    Try the Beavis & Butthead mod for Doom, if it’still around. Doesn’t change
    the levels, monsters or weapons.. it just adds B&B commentary to your
    kills.. ;D

  10. Osmic Says:

    This game is so great :)

  11. putt timmanee Says:

    296 view seem bad :(

  12. Garathnor Says:

    I want more, play some of the funner levels!

  13. Fun Timez Says:


  14. AfonsodelCB Says:


  15. Ryguyrules147 Says:

    I think you’re having a bit more trouble because you’re playing it like the
    original Doom. You should try and reload all of your weapons every time you
    end a fight.

  16. MasterGhostf Says:

    Curious will you be playing Destiny?

  17. xisumavoid Says:

    Back with more brutal doom!

  18. AssassinShark Says:

    anyone have a download for doom, i cant find one. :/

  19. Sky Heart Says:

    Its German for The Xisuma The

  20. AfonsodelCB Says:

    you could play multiplayer doom

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