Borderlands E04 “Hidey-Hole” (Co-op, 1080 HD)

Borderlands E04 Discuss at! Multiplayer co-op Borderlands with JumboMuffin and Pizzle213. We’re getting ready for Borderlands 2 by shooting some skags and bandits! ESRB Warning: This title is rated “M” for Mature Audiences Jumbo’s channel: Pizzle’s channel: WEB: TWITTER: FACEBOOK:

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Aug 17th, 2012

20 Responses to “Borderlands E04 “Hidey-Hole” (Co-op, 1080 HD)”

  1. bramma10 Says:

    Paul prefers rambo style :D

  2. JarkkoKerkko Says:

    What happened to Lethamyr?

  3. trfvhg Says:


  4. SinfulJon Says:

    Entertaining video you guys. I’ll be getting the Ultimate Loot-Chest Edition of Borderlands 2, it looks pretty awesome. :)

  5. MajesticGrunt Says:

    Oh and if you need or want some help/tips for some stuff like chest locations and other things send me a message on my Channel MajesticGrunt!;)

  6. Mrdropshots2011 Says:

    Hey guys, I make commentary videos myself! I was wondering if you guys could drop by and check me out. If you like me let me now and if you don’t let me know! Thanks! :)

  7. Emmily Phillips Says:

    I’m a fan of minecraft i i get this awesome minecraft gift code generator working!!==>>> /watch?v=UF9Blm5cbyY ENjoy it!!

  8. PsychyDragon Says:

    I agree. Everyone can take an assault rifle and spray bullets. Eventually some bullets will hit and kill the target. Snipers require precision. One shot one kill man :D

  9. MajesticGrunt Says:

    Tell jumbo not to sell the clipper its a great pistol for a while trust me im a borderlands vet ive done a lot of campaign playthroughs with my freinds and its an awesome pistol!!! :0 :) ;)

  10. necronsplayer Says:

    You’re supposed to hide when you use it :P

  11. racknard Says:


  12. thejosh0703 Says:

    I am creating a pretty big minecraft server but i can not find plugins that i need. If you can make a chest/door/gate and so on lock plugin that admins can lock for other people.
    Also i need a bukkit plugin which can make towns and have smaller plots inside which people can buy with a right click of a sign and the owner of the town can use world edit only in there. (Towny wont work or residents)

  13. necronsplayer Says:

    Its funny how you are such a beast of a sniper in ace of spades but refer to them as “girly” in this. xD

  14. trfvhg Says:

    I just sniped bonehead from, or what ever it’s called. Been a while since I’ve played BL. But if you snipe him, it’s much easier.

  15. HomerGumther Says:

    8:27 that pistol looks like it would be fun :D and eat all your ammo too…

  16. slytherite Says:

    ya the last I was at a midnight release of a game was to get World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King. I Pre-ordered it then when I went to pick it up, the line was huge at Gamestop, so i walked around the nearby Wal-mart for a few minutes to let the line die down and went back to Gamestop and picked up the game. Then I went home and spent the next few minutes installing the game and spent the rest of the night gaming away!

  17. magerage412 Says:


  18. Isaac DeWolf Says:

    YEAH!!!! snipers are super powerful and take skill to master.

  19. javeryg212 Says:

    these same people that made boarderlands made red steel right?

  20. SONOFShocks1o1 Says:

    I miss borderlands soooooo much :(

    It would be epic if there was a kill feed.

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