Arma 3: Altis Life – Let’s Play – Episode 1 – There a problem officer?

Arma 3: Altis Life - Let's Play - Episode 1 - There a problem officer?WARNING – This game is rated Mature. It depicts violence, robbery, drugs, and other criminal aspects. It is on public servers and we can’t control what peopl…

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Filed under TheHillsoftware : Comments (20) : Mar 12th, 2014

20 Responses to “Arma 3: Altis Life – Let’s Play – Episode 1 – There a problem officer?”

  1. jeffrey Milles Says:

    i liked this a lot 

  2. HGM Moller Says:

    can i play minecraft with you guys some time i would love to.

  3. ThePotatoman789 Says:


  4. vipersnake Says:

    Black wing

  5. Caterina Valentine Says:


  6. Keegan Link Says:

    keep playing!

  7. PappyLuv Says:

    Does it let you choose different clothes? Looked like a lot of people were
    wearing the same outfits.

  8. Catastrophe Craziness Says:

    Yes, please do more! And This is my opinion, but I like just seeing the
    highlights :)

  9. SourceSparkz Says:

    Boz blackwing is a amazing altis life server best there is but lots of
    people go on them so itll be hard to get in there full quite alot also very
    good RP

  10. bill dawson Says:

    Highlights is really good

  11. spOOn Says:

    Can you do more please. Can you try and get some more of the crew to play
    cos it will cover more ground when you rob the bank 

  12. GizmoTheFFF Says:

    I’m really enjoying playing this game, some of the experiences with people
    have been hilarious, and intense at times, but its a shame the first server
    I went onto had some terrible admins/cop players. Can’t wait to do some
    more :) hope you guys enjoy watching! (and playing if you have Arma 3!)

  13. Abby Wells Says:

    That was really messed up this city is off limits blah blah blah by the
    way, you should do alot more

  14. Morset Felburn Says:

    Y’all need to not speak while others like cops are speaking
    Cause the interactions seem cool, and highlights would be nice , or release
    episodes in groups and give it all. However, I like how you explained what
    was happening.

  15. Kyle Carney Says:

    I would like to see a uncut 15-20min video please 

  16. EpicZack Says:

    This was good

  17. fist bump Says:


  18. SaffyPie101 Says:

    The little highlight clips are so funny XD

  19. luke hull Says:

    All of it put the hole live stream in

  20. HGM Moller Says:

    guys inform the cops that maril law means if you are doing something bad
    they shoot you. And they cant just shoot you.

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