Compact, Clean 3×3 Piston Door [Advanced Redstone Tutorials]

Compact, Clean 3x3 Piston Door [Advanced Redstone Tutorials]Howdy Partnoids! Sorry for the lack of uploads recently; I’ve had some serious work to get on with irl but should be back and rocking by the end of next week. In the mean time though I hope you enjoy this circuit I’ve come up with. I’ve always wanted to tackle the 3×3 door and this is what I’ve got! Cheers – CNB 3×3 Door World Save: Minecraft Font: Music: DTMM – Blackout

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Filed under CNBMinecraft : Comments (20) : Feb 17th, 2012

20 Responses to “Compact, Clean 3×3 Piston Door [Advanced Redstone Tutorials]”

  1. princeofodd Says:

    The moment I saw you hit that button, the Subscribe button was alos hit

  2. standamanisdabest Says:

    Ricky Gervais?

  3. xRingostar27x Says:

    oh how i love singleplayer


  4. awesomeminecraft217 Says:

    nice imade it and it works great. you can give it 2 buttons and close it from the inside.

  5. boblikecheesewithham Says:

    @ItakeUdownnn You have to use MC edit

  6. ItakeUdownnn Says:

    how do make a world filled with only sandstone like yours?

  7. netacqouise Says:

    @TheDarthGod Blue stone.. U have red stone -positive and blue stone = negative… ;) #Hahahaahahaha just kidding xD

  8. djdude66 Says:

    @rocketwulf wtf are you saying?

  9. AndrewProRUS Says:

    Thank you SO much!!!!! I learned so much about redstone!!!! You show the process VERY clearly and that’s really nise. THANKS YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!

  10. zDeFFeXz Says:

    this works 100% just requires a brain and some sense and doing exactly what the motherfuker tells you to do, I only have one problem. I want it to be on a timer, So when it opens i can add a delay and then it closes itself automaticly again. and its been stressing me out for 9-10 hours now -_-

  11. awesomeminecraft217 Says:

    it messed up and stopped working

  12. rocketwulf Says:

    Hey there just a quick Info If the Server is running Bukkit
    so update it the have a redstone bug making exactly the Double Piston extender not working


  13. TheDarthGod Says:

    WTF what do you mean the blue wiring on the other side please explain

  14. loldudester Says:

    @IDIOTSonalog1210 Not really, just difficult finding a place to put the pressure plates, and being able to wire them to the input.

  15. IDIOTSonalog1210 Says:

    Could you do this with a presser plates on each side so that when you walk up it opens and as you walk away it closes? It seems plausible but tricky

  16. Minecraftia92 Says:

    the double piston extender thing does not work for me in 1.1,what variation can i do??
    when i do it like yours at the start of the video and follow the sters on making it,when i pull the lever to turn it on/off,it just springs back up :(
    how do i fix it? :(

  17. Girbub Says:

    @standamanisdabest I thought that as well…

  18. ItakeUdownnn Says:

    hey, how do you make a single player world all covered with sandstone?

  19. MagicMan3K Says:

    I don’t know why I watch these vids. :^C

  20. pepsi900017234 Says:


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