We’re Back! – Minecraft LP # 18

We're Back! - Minecraft LP # 18We killed the Enderdragon and collected our dragon egg, and we made it home safely through the portal with our 110 XP points. Now back to work on the base. Today we’ll get started on the new mine entrance and prepare to work on the slime trap. —————————————————————————— Texture Pack: (Customized) John Smith. My ‘How to edit your texture pack’ vid has the details/links: www.youtube.com

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Filed under monkeyfarm : Comments (20) : Feb 15th, 2012

20 Responses to “We’re Back! – Minecraft LP # 18”

  1. TeamPwnography Says:

    @monkeyfarm Also, I sent you an inbox. I’d appreciate you replying :p.

  2. Makinnoz13 Says:

    what is fortune enchantment?

  3. plaidjoker1321 Says:

    the reason u haven’t gotten a 50 is because u don’t have enough bookshelves

  4. DionEngels Says:

    @Makinnoz13 if you have fortune there is a chance that you’ll get more ores (coal, lapis, diamond etc, no iron or gold)

  5. monkeyfarm Says:

    @jhos97 you kill the dragon (watch the ‘The END Finale’ video)

  6. monkeyfarm Says:

    @TeamPwnography in one of the pre-release versions, silk-touch enchanted pickaxes could pick them up… but they changed it and you cant collect them anymore – they just break.

  7. OverHeatedKillers Says:

    monkeyfarm, you need to make a minecraft server

  8. rockskull96 Says:

    lol EVERY video it rains

  9. TeamPwnography Says:

    0:21 how did you get the monster spawner?

  10. TheSecondDefender Says:

    is there some kind of trick for killing those mobs in your trap. becaus if I try to kill them i can’t hit them. can you help me out plz

  11. moshihero3 Says:


  12. plaidjoker1321 Says:

    @plaidjoker1321 your right it is only 30 but i did get a 50 on my 20th try… so maybe you might want to add more to give it an easier time to get higher numbers

  13. TehManley Says:

    Just a thought, when you showed us that the mobs got out of the trap, if that skeleton had hit you enough and you had fallen out off the trap, that would = Dead Monkeyfarm and a chance to lose most of that 111 XP :)

  14. rockskull96 Says:

    i went in the end with no xp at all not even on the bar and the dragon gave me 500 exp then i lost half of it when i fell off my treehouse

  15. monkeyfarm Says:

    @TheSecondDefender are you on a server? mob hitboxes are chest and above in smp. but i believe theyre fixing this in 1.2.

  16. IMFWishmaster Says:

    I got Fortune 3, Unbreaking 3 and Efficiency 5 with a 50 Enchantment :D :D

  17. jhos97 Says:

    How do you get out from the end without die??

  18. monkeyfarm Says:

    @plaidjoker1321 actually enchantment tables are only improved by 30 bookshelves – i have 2 more than necessary.

  19. plaidjoker1321 Says:

    i heard it was 50…i will check on my account and then ill reply again

  20. QsEExTr3me Says:

    @Makinnoz13 google it.

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