[Beta 1.6 Trapdoors Hatch – Draw Bridge]

[Beta 1.6 Trapdoors Hatch - Draw Bridge]Today with the release of Minecraft Beta 1.6 came the addition of trapdoors, also known in game as hatches. These are extremely useful and can be powered by redstone. I decided to attach multiple trapdoors and have them side by side with one another in order to create a type of draw bridge. The possibilites with trapdoors are endless.

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Filed under MinecraftChick : Comments (20) : Feb 15th, 2012

20 Responses to “[Beta 1.6 Trapdoors Hatch – Draw Bridge]”

  1. epiksocks Says:

    at 2:22 there was a dog

  2. Totallystolen Says:

    Minecraft chicccccccccccccccccccccccccccccck you can ontop of open trapdoors rendering a drawbrudge useless D:

  3. jimbo80982 Says:

    *tut**tut* using a mac…

  4. MrNetstu2 Says:

    I actually made an awesome jumping puzzle then my computer broke

  5. mrsbojangles1921 Says:

    Your pretty :)

  6. TheBovineFury Says:

    Lava pit for mobs lol :p

  7. DaltonLayne317 Says:

    did you no about the berd

  8. ironysAbitch Says:

    your videos would be alot better if u didnt speak in such a monotone. u should be alot mre enthusiastic about things… like slyfox :D

  9. RsKoolKoolAid Says:

    your ugly

  10. TheSimonarne Says:

    Aim gonna make traps for zombies and creapers

  11. jessicaparker18 Says:

    cool top

  12. solomonear Says:

    Pink zombie.

  13. epiksocks Says:

    at 2:22 there was a wolf

  14. Malex132 Says:

    Wait…. Someone who works for mojang had to wiki something? I’m surprised. I thought the people who worked at mojang would be gods at the game…. Or something.

  15. michle010 Says:

    Im making a more subtle entrance to my underwater home

  16. Jarda98 Says:

    @Jerbuta Just paint them blue now, eh ? :D :D :D

  17. lopzided98 Says:

    Hi MinecraftChick. Your videos are very helpful and i hope you keep making them. And you are very hot too.

  18. JLUFantasy Says:

    i am gunna make them awesomely window blinds :D

  19. bobbymonboy Says:

    @RsKoolKoolAid FUCK YOU

  20. Nekozawa741 Says:

    I wanna make a cool dungon type thing but not like mob one like lava underneath and make it so you can kinda keep things from crossing over. Idk I think it’ll be awsome.

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