Posts Tagged ‘epic’
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 104
In this episode I leave the nether to begin work on my epic lab! nothing overly special, just trying to get CNB’s 3×3 door designed and working. Cnb’s Tutorial Save File My texture pack Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Eedze’s adventures in Minecraft: episode 23
Welcome to eedze’s adventures in minecraft episode 23. I have been bussy this week digging out a slime farm for my sticky pistons. I’m gonna give a small tour trough the slime farm and tell you how I identified the chunks. I’m also gonna work on my enchanting room and do some advanced redstone work. I hope you enjoy todays episode.
Tags: advanced, chunk, enchanting, epic, farm, library, map, minecraft, redstone, reedfarm, room, slime, table, unbreaking
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Feb 18th, 2012
Eedze’s mistakes in minecraft episode 26 part 1
etho’s blaze xp farm tutorial: that title was just a joke. if you catched it. I am working on my experience farm. and i chose one of the hardest things to do. a blaze farm. its one of the best designs but it takes a hell of a lot of time to do. so i split this episode in 2 parts. uploading part 2 a bit later
Tags: blaze, building, eedze, epic, etho, exp, experience, farm, farming, ghast, guide, howto, lets, minecraft, play, redstone
Filed under eedze :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 105
In this episode I finally finish my 3×3 door, thanks to CNB and a few of my fans. After that I continue working on my secret lab, working on the entry way and adding a working decontamination room! Save File (updated) My texture pack Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 106
More work on my secret laboratory! I get around to working on my elevator, past the bolted doors where impossible things may happen, that the world has never seen before! Save File My texture pack Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Epic Farm Designs: Pumpkin/Melon
I decided to do a video showing off how Epic my “Simple” farm designs can really be. In this video I’ll be displaying a new, improved, and advanced Melon and Pumpkin farm. The farm design can easily be broken down into a single cell which can fit up to 30 pumpkins or melons while remaining simple, cost efficient, and fully automatic. This farm has a total of 25 Cells and gives so much produce that it causes massive lag if all 5 are activated at once. It also includes a “collect” feature, which uses an item elevator to bring the items to you, a “reroute” feature that sends the items to a different collection point, and a “fiery death” option which burns all the collected produce.
Tags: automatic, collection, control, design, elevator, epic, farm, item, melon, minecraft, options, panel, pistons, pumpkin, redstone
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 107
In this episode I finish working on my Elevator, add the water drop system, add a neat feature to the top and prep myself for the next episode where I begin work on the Central area of the lab. Save File (Updated) My texture pack Smp sign-up page
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Build n’ Play: 6 – Multi Level Slime Spawner!
Don’t forget to leave the LOVE! Website: Facebook: Twitch: Donate: Call Of Duty: RuneScape: Twitter:
Tags: adventure, amazing, and, brenybeast, build, castle, challenge, craft, diamonds, enderman, epic, explosion, farm, find, free, grinder, guide, hardcore, hc, hostile, how, ip, jockey, kingdom, lets, lp, map, mc, mine, minecon, minecraft, mob, mode, mods, mojang, movie, multiplayer, n, notch, parkour, parody, piston, play, redstone, server, skeleton, smp, song, spawner, spider, ssp, sticky, tnt, to, trap, tutorial, update, yt:quality=high, zombie
Filed under BrenyBeast :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Fastest Piston Elevator – Minecraft 1.1
The Best and Fastest Elevator design currently known to mankind…and a few chimps who were taught how to play minecraft. This elevator design is really simple, very fast, and generally awesome. Edit: The original creator is test137E29 The creator of this amazing design is test137E29 My texture pack
Tags: awesome, best, easy, elevator, epic, fast, fastest, minecraft, piston, record, redstone, simple, tyken132, winning
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012
Minecraft Lets Play: Episode 108
In this episode I continue work on my secret underground laboratory! I had to do a lot of digging off camera but I believe it outcome was way worth it. Save File (Updated) My texture pack
Tags: 10, 11, abandoned, adventure, airport, alarm, awesome, bar, base, bathroom, bedroom, blaze, cave, check, circuits, crypt, cube, design, diamonds, door, entrance, epic, farm, fireplace, flip, flop, fortress, garden, graveyard, house, in, invention, journey, kitchen, letsplay, lobby, magma, melon, mine, minecraft, nether, netherwart, npc, office, pistons, portal, ravine, redstone, room, runes, secret, security, seed, shaft, sink, slime, spider, stalls, station, storage, subway, tavern, toilet, trap, vault, village, villager, well, wiring, xp
Filed under Tyken132 :
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Feb 18th, 2012