Visiting Direwolf (Pt. 1) – Modded Minecraft #23 – Feed the Beast

Visiting Direwolf (Pt. 1) - Modded Minecraft #23 - Feed the BeastFeed the Beast, episode 23, today we’ll visit Direwolf20 on the mod-makers test server. We’ll check out some of the cool mods, some that havent been released yet, and different machines that can be built, etc. Enjoy! ————————————————————————————————– SUBSCRIBE to my Minecraft Channel: Follow me on Twitter (MCmonkeyfarm): ————————————————————————————————– Docm77: Monkeyfarm: ———————————————————————————– DOWNLOAD: Feed The Beast ModPack & Launcher: http ———————————————————————————– Currently installed Mods: Buildcraft 2 Industrial Craft 2 Red Power 2 Forestry Railcraft Iron Chests Code Chicken Core NEI NEI Plugins Wireless Redstone We want the community to be involved with this series, so please give us your feedback and suggestions. We welcome them all! Enjoy!

Filed under monkeyfarm : Comments (20) : Dec 4th, 2012

20 Responses to “Visiting Direwolf (Pt. 1) – Modded Minecraft #23 – Feed the Beast”

  1. sk8rdman Says:

    I almost want to cry, the potential of minecraft is so incredible. What we have here is greatness, my friends.

  2. Niampatani10 Says:

    when will ee3 be released on ftb

  3. TRICKZzHD1 Says:

    he got the cape from minecon.

  4. monkh Says:

    feed the beast launcher contains a mod pack called magic worlds that contains thaumcraft3

  5. mihaita bog Says:


  6. NautFarmsMinecraft Says:


  7. DarkMatterHorizon Says:

    If you ever manage it, let us know. :)

  8. Xnowious Says:

    Put into a Geothermal Generator

  9. tommy crosland Says:

    its a minecon cape for everyone to get into minecon with an payed acc they get a free minecon cape so they get a proof that they been to minecon

  10. landloper1986 Says:

    press G while aiming at a block. I first used it to relocate my bookshelves. but moving spawners works too.

  11. BlauGranaAlaMort Says:

    OMG Arguably my favorite youtubers responded. Love the vids when is the next 3rd world LP?

  12. Scott5445l Says:

    he got it from minecon, the only way to get it legit was from minecon this year

  13. capnayer Says:

    what do you do when you take all the lava out of the neither for power?

  14. utubemachine1 Says:

    You cant basically “drain” the nether. 90% of the nether in 12 million by 12 million blocks is lava so yeah.

  15. xXStarchyXx Says:

    monkeyfarm, how did u get that Pickaxe cape? because i really want a cape, but i dont want to use a mod or goto minecon because i cant afford to goto minecon and i live in canada… :(

  16. capnayer Says:

    no what do you do once you’ve fully drained the neither, do you have to start a new map? because if you are using that much energy you’re fucked to find another place with as much lava…

  17. DarkMatterHorizon Says:

    FTB has more machines than Tekkit. Tekkit has RP2. FTB has all the other machines plus Thermal Expansion, Forestry, Factorization and Greg Tech; RP2 is expected shortly.

  18. garrett180011 Says:

    Haha you guys are lucky! But you deserve to get on:)

  19. thehoodedclaw93 Says:

    looks amazing! :) love it ;)

  20. evilcarni Says:

    He was in minecon…

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