The Escapists | S7E11 “Escaping Epsilon!” | Camp Epsilon Gameplay Walkthrough

The Escapists | S7E11 Let’s play The Escapists! In this episode, Punchwood tries to escape with his entire Punch Crew in tow! Get your Limited Edition “I”m a Soarvivor!” T-shirt before they’re gone!!…

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Filed under paulsoaresjr : Comments (20) : Apr 9th, 2015

20 Responses to “The Escapists | S7E11 “Escaping Epsilon!” | Camp Epsilon Gameplay Walkthrough”

  1. SuperAnnKat Says:

    Your probably going to have to do a prison in between cause I ordered my
    shirt rather early on and I won’t be getting it till April 28th it said

  2. Y Ramadan Says:

    Nice Minecraft vids! lovin them.

  3. TwinGaming Says:

    I started smiling and laughing when he said the one thing you can find
    easily in this prison at night is wood ba dum
    Bum tsh

  4. Stephen Fleming Says:

    Please upload more!! Love this series!

  5. Rippertear - HD Daily Gaming Videos Says:

    your voice sounds hoarse. you ok?

  6. Speltok Says:

    Don’t stop the series! Play user made maps made for you! “Like my prisons” 

  7. IceCraft Gaming Says:

    Was this a custom prison?
    Does The Escapist have a custom prison maker?
    If it does why dont you make a EXTREMELY hard one

  8. Louis Archer Says:

    Hey Paul! I know you have a lot of series running at the moment but i
    thought as a replacement for dig or die you could play terraria. The reason
    I didn’t comment on the last dig or die episode is because it had too many
    other comments and I didn’t want mine to get lost in a sea of comments.
    Anyway I just thought I’d inform you of my thoughts and I’ll see you in the
    next prison.(Also, it’d be really awesome to be a prisoner in your next
    prison;) ).

  9. Lil'Wiggydoesthings Says:

    Ugh I wish I had a shirt! :( I can’t afford one though :(

  10. Zion Dreamer Says:

    PHEW, Glad you said you’ll wait until May. Cause my shirt isn’t due until
    up to May, I wanted to take part in the Selfie contest!!

  11. paulsoaresjr Says:
  12. Nolan Chu Says:

    Did I miss something? Why is he stopping the series?

  13. StormyLaura H Says:

    I laughed so hard at the antics of the Punch Crew!

  14. Braden Kowalski Says:

    Ah you need wood? Just wait to morning. If YA know what I mean 

  15. noobtube887 Says:

    This is not hate, but can you upload more minecraft you haven’t been

  16. ReaperChi3f Says:

    You should do Space Engineers survival.. Punchwood would do well in space..

  17. josh vasquez Says:

    i got the I’m A Soarvivor sweater and i cant wait to get it

  18. jager parigi Says:

    can you have a enemy lets play like you said in the look at enemy i dont
    know if that sentence makes sense but what ever PS love your vids there
    great work :)

  19. Usman Afzal Says:

    You should do Alcatraz. Nice video.

  20. Emily Dover Says:


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